Fast and Furious Scandal: New Details Emerge on How the U.S. Government Armed Mexican Drug Cartels -- ABC News
On January 30, 2010, a commando of at least 20 hit men parked themselves outside a birthday party of high school and college students in Villas de Salvarcar, Ciudad Juarez. Near midnight, the assassins, later identified as hired guns for the Mexican cartel La Linea, broke into a one-story house and opened fire on a gathering of nearly 60 teenagers. Outside, lookouts gunned down a screaming neighbor and several students who had managed to escape. Fourteen young men and women were killed, and 12 more were wounded before the hit men finally fled.
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More News On 'Fast And Furious'
57 Previously Undiscovered Fast and Furious Guns Used in Mexican Crimes -- ABC News
Revealed: Operation Fast and Furious guns used in 2010 Mexico massacre of 16 people - including 14 TEENS -- Daily Mail
'Furious' guns tied to 2010 Juarez massacre, other murders in Mexico -- FOX News
Fast and Furious: The Ciudad Juarez student slaughter -- Human Events
5 Things You Didn't Know About Operation Fast and Furious -- ABC News
Mexican youths massacred with fast and furious weapons says new report -- Washington Times
My Comment: This has (and is) continuing to be a huge scandal that is being completely ignored by major sections of the U.S. main stream media. In this one report Univision has discredited the US Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General's report that cleared Eric Holder of any involvement in the Fast and Furious program. Dozens of people died .... even more wounded .... and the head of the department that ran this program is saying it's not his fault and that he is not responsible .... sighhh .... so much for accountability. If there ever was a need for an independent prosecutor to investigate a Washington scandal .... this is it.