PHOTO: REUTERS/AMIR COHEN. Website for this image
Sir Anthont Blunt worked for the British security service MI5 and was close to Lord Victor Rothschild.
"Sir Anthony Blunt blocked police investigations into activities involving Jimmy Savile.
"This, according to our informant, came straight from the lips of an angry detective involved in the earlier police investigation."
Times Online 'Covers' Jimmy Savile's Child Abuse, Literally
Reportedly, Sir Anthony Blunt enjoyed strangling young boys to death while buggering them.
Lord Victor Rothschild, who was extremely influential within MI5 and MI6, was a close friend of Anthony Blunt and reportedly recruited him into MI5.
Reportedly Anthony Blunt ran a paedophile ring which included included a lot of top people. (aangirfan: Sexpionage)
Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop. (Cached)

Right wing 'Loyalists' in the UK are linked to child abuse rings and to Israel. (Website for this image)
Journalist Chris Moore wrote The Kincora Scandal an investigation into the Kincora Children's Home in Belfast in the UK, where housemaster William McGrath, and others, abused children.
William McGrath, a Protestant loyalist and member of Ian Paisley's Free Presbyterian Church, reportedly worked for the UK spy service MI5.

Lord Victor Rothschild - spy for the UK 'and Israel'.
Reportedly, McGrath had contacts with UK spy Ted Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt, the 'pedophile' spy.

Sir Anthony Blunt, allegedly linked to child murder according to T Stokes (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COMING SOON)
McGrath had contacts with Sir Knox Cunningham who has been linked to pedophile rings and who was a pal of Tony Blair.

Right-wing Loyalist Sir Samuel Knox Cunningham, who befriended Blair at Fettes school.
Reportedly, the Kincora Children's Home, in Belfast in the UK, was used by the spooks as a boy brothel.
Reportedly, Kincora's clientele included top politicians , judges and other public figures .
"MI5... used it as a blackmailers lever." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)
McGrath was linked to right-wing protestant paramilitaries in Northern Ireland (as was Anders Breivik, reportedly).
Reportedly, the protestant paramilitaries "have long had links with Zionist gangsters and have received Israeli weapons.
"In at least one incident weapons were exchanged for intelligence material on British missile systems, and loyalists rely on Israeli-'Russian' mafiosi for supplies of ecstasy pills.
"Loyalists have also engaged in the smuggling of non-Whites into Eire in alliance with the 'Russian' mafia." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

Journalist Chris Moore describes McGrath's links to a man from the UK Ministry of Defence.
Colin Wallace, who worked for the UK psyops section of MI5, is linked to Kincora.
Moore describes McGrath's links to Sir Knox Cunningham who provided McGrath with funds for his paramilitary organisation.
Cunningham was an associate of the Ted Rothschild-linked Cambridge spy ring, which included the pedophile Sir Anthony Blunt.
In 1940 Lord Ted Rothschild suggested that communist Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the UK secret service.
In the book 'The Fifth Man', Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Israel.

Blunt and the Queen.
The Royal Family shielded Blunt for 15 years until he was exposed by Margaret Thatcher in 1979.
According to the source, Blunt told his colleagues he was the illegitimate child of King George V, by his mother, Hilda Blunt.
"It was long rumoured that the unusual resemblance between Blunt and Edward VIII was because they were half brothers."
Reportedly, Anthony Blunt claimed Nazi party funding came from the same Jewish banks that supported the allies. (Cached)
Sir Anthont Blunt worked for the British security service MI5 and was close to Lord Victor Rothschild.
"Sir Anthony Blunt blocked police investigations into activities involving Jimmy Savile.
"This, according to our informant, came straight from the lips of an angry detective involved in the earlier police investigation."
Times Online 'Covers' Jimmy Savile's Child Abuse, Literally
Reportedly, Sir Anthony Blunt enjoyed strangling young boys to death while buggering them.
Lord Victor Rothschild, who was extremely influential within MI5 and MI6, was a close friend of Anthony Blunt and reportedly recruited him into MI5.
Reportedly Anthony Blunt ran a paedophile ring which included included a lot of top people. (aangirfan: Sexpionage)
Reportedly, the former head of Britain's MI6, Sir Maurice Oldfield, was observed by his Special Branch guards making use of boys from the Kincora children's home. (The troubles: Google Books Result)
Allegedly, Oldfield shared boys with Sir Anthony Blunt, several bishops, and an archbishop. (Cached)

Right wing 'Loyalists' in the UK are linked to child abuse rings and to Israel. (Website for this image)
Journalist Chris Moore wrote The Kincora Scandal an investigation into the Kincora Children's Home in Belfast in the UK, where housemaster William McGrath, and others, abused children.
William McGrath, a Protestant loyalist and member of Ian Paisley's Free Presbyterian Church, reportedly worked for the UK spy service MI5.

Lord Victor Rothschild - spy for the UK 'and Israel'.
Reportedly, McGrath had contacts with UK spy Ted Rothschild's friend Sir Anthony Blunt, the 'pedophile' spy.

Sir Anthony Blunt, allegedly linked to child murder according to T Stokes (ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT COMING SOON)
McGrath had contacts with Sir Knox Cunningham who has been linked to pedophile rings and who was a pal of Tony Blair.

Right-wing Loyalist Sir Samuel Knox Cunningham, who befriended Blair at Fettes school.
Reportedly, the Kincora Children's Home, in Belfast in the UK, was used by the spooks as a boy brothel.
Reportedly, Kincora's clientele included top politicians , judges and other public figures .
"MI5... used it as a blackmailers lever." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)
McGrath was linked to right-wing protestant paramilitaries in Northern Ireland (as was Anders Breivik, reportedly).
Reportedly, the protestant paramilitaries "have long had links with Zionist gangsters and have received Israeli weapons.
"In at least one incident weapons were exchanged for intelligence material on British missile systems, and loyalists rely on Israeli-'Russian' mafiosi for supplies of ecstasy pills.
"Loyalists have also engaged in the smuggling of non-Whites into Eire in alliance with the 'Russian' mafia." (Michael stone, MI5 and Kincora - Irish Nationalism)

Journalist Chris Moore describes McGrath's links to a man from the UK Ministry of Defence.
Colin Wallace, who worked for the UK psyops section of MI5, is linked to Kincora.
Moore describes McGrath's links to Sir Knox Cunningham who provided McGrath with funds for his paramilitary organisation.
Cunningham was an associate of the Ted Rothschild-linked Cambridge spy ring, which included the pedophile Sir Anthony Blunt.
In 1940 Lord Ted Rothschild suggested that communist Anthony Blunt should be invited to join the UK secret service.
In the book 'The Fifth Man', Roland Perry puts the case that Ted Rothschild was a major spy for Israel.

Blunt and the Queen.
The Royal Family shielded Blunt for 15 years until he was exposed by Margaret Thatcher in 1979.
According to the source, Blunt told his colleagues he was the illegitimate child of King George V, by his mother, Hilda Blunt.
"It was long rumoured that the unusual resemblance between Blunt and Edward VIII was because they were half brothers."
Reportedly, Anthony Blunt claimed Nazi party funding came from the same Jewish banks that supported the allies. (Cached)