"Never have I ever been this embarrassed and never has my world been turned upside down in such a fashion," said Hogan, a former longtime Clearwater resident once known as Terry Bollea, speaking with the CNN host during his Piers Morgan Tonight show. "I had no idea there was a camera set up."
Hogan landed back in the headlines when the website Gawker posted a clip of him having sex with a woman; later, the wrestler told shock jock Howard Stern the woman was Clem's then-wife Heather Cole. (the pair filed for divorce last year, finalizing the split early this year.
Original Posting....
Bubba the Love Sponge Gave Me Permission to Do His Wife
On Howard Stern this morning, Hulk Hogan finally confessed that the woman featured in his recently leaked sex tape is indeed the wife of his very good friend Todd Alan Clem, better known as radio host Bubba the Love Sponge (which is his legal name, by the way).
Gawker.com is reporting Hogan told Stern that Bubba allowed him to have sex with his now-estranged wife Heather Clem, and the deed took place six years ago when Hogan was still married to Linda. Hogan blames Linda for practically making him have sex with his friend's wife, saying she was verbally and emotionally abusive to him.
The 59-year-old continues to stand by his claim that he had no idea the "love making" was being taped, and promises to bring charges against the person who released the footage.