Held from May 21 to 25 in Montpellier, the Sixth Congress of the Federation-South
Education was attended by nearly 300 delegates for the 71 unions and nearly 5,000 members
that make up the union. ---- The top of its 16 years, the federation South Education is
one of the deans of the "galaxy" alternative union gathered today in Solidarity Trade
Union. Organizing all of the personal union field, whatever their status and function,
most often at the departmental level, South Continuing Education of wanting to live a
struggle unionism, international and inter-categorical. Difficult against a field
dominated by trade union organizations the majority - FSU and UNSA - marked by corporatism
and often mired in co. ---- That difficult, but not impossible. And the federation South
Education representative managed to get last elections in October 2011
[1]. In terms of voting methods (electronic ...) and new rules of representation, it was
an achievement for South Education to take this test. It must be recognized that this
"victory" remains modest and in several elections, South Education recorded declines
evidencing still insufficiently developed, but also a lack of visibility and strategic
coherence that has increased in recent years with exempleplusieurs by "failures" in calls
for national strike for example.
What federalism?
Completing a year of intense activism in Education, the Sixth Congress has failed to
preparation. It was nevertheless apparent that central issues was the question of the
federal project implemented by unions Southern Education. Two visions seem to oppose
between comrades, haunted by the "risk bureaucratic", supporters of federalism as a
minimum, braced on the "autonomy of trade unions", and others wishing a federation capable
of reacting to daily , to be a support to the local business unions, weigh in the
struggles of his professional field [2]. And if this debate is indeed central, it is not
today resulted in South Education.
Two hundred amendments
"Development of the union and strategy guidance," "Schools Early Childhood at the
University? "Or" Southern Education and Solidarity trade union landscape in the national
and international "nearly thirty texts and almost 200 amendments (!) Were supposed to feed
the work of Congress ... Quite inevitably, it will have been due to the initial
architecture of Congress and some discussions are postponed including the Investment
Partners. But Congress is also an important moment in the life of an organization, the
opportunity to take the pulse. And for once, under delegation, said Congress gave the
image of a feminized and rejuvenated Federation has largely begun the handover between the
generation of the outcome of the fighting Sgen-CFDT and / or School emancipated forged in
the social movements of 2003, 2006 and 2010. Pressed union field more dynamic South
Continuing Education undoubtedly embody a rallying point for those who fight for "another
society and another school."
Libertarian Communists of South Education
[1] See "Education: elections trapped" in AL No. 213 January 2012
[2] An old dualism persists between ideological and radical labor union struggle pragmatic
yet. See "Fifth Congress: between utopia and unionism ground" in AL No. 185 of June 2009.
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca