FOTO REPORTAZH/ Natyra kundër superfuqisë: Ja çfarë la pas Sandy

Pasojat shkatërruese të uraganit Sandy dolën më shumë në pah këtë mëngjes. Deri më tani llogaritet që 50 persona të kenë humbur jetën, ndërsa miliona të tjerë kanë mbetur pa energji elektrike. Dëmet materiale janë të pallogaritshme, duke filluar që nga shkatërrimi i shtëpive, makinave, madje edhe rrugëve e urave.
Sipas një llogarie paraprake, mendohet që dëmet e shkaktuara nga Sandy të kapin shifrën e 50 miliard dollarëve.
Stuhia ndërkohë ende nuk ka marrë fund plotësisht dhe pritet që të shkaktojë sërish shira dhe reshje të rrëmbyeshme.
Nju Jorku ka qenë zona më e prekur nga Sandy, ku përveç 18 personave të vdekur, dëmet materiale kanë qenë të shumta, ndërkohë që jeta pothuajse ka ndalur plotësisht.
Edhe Nju Xhersi është goditur rëndë nga Sandy, ndërsa presidenti Obama ka shpallur gjendje të jashtëzakonshme në këto zona.

Razed: Now the horizon in New Jersey is entirely altered following the devastating superstorm Sandy
Disaster zone: This aerial photograph shows the extent of the damage to the Breezy Point section of Queens, New York, now littered with burned-out homes
Apocalyptic scene: Firemen continue to pour water on smoldering fires on Beach Blvd in Breezy Point, New York. More than 100 homes were destroyed by fire after Sandy passed directly though the area
Completely destroyed: Fires ripped through around 130 homes on Breezy Point after the superstorm hit
Lying in a heap: Boats cluster together at a marina in Brant Beach on Long Beach Island, New Jersey
Submerged: An image provided by the U.S. Coast guard shows flooded homes in Tuckerton, New Jersey
Devastation: Debris lies strewn across the south shore of Staten Island, New York
Widespread damage: The south shore area of Staten Island was severely damaged by the strong winds and floods coming in from Atlantic
No way out: Homes in Fenwick Island, Delaware, sit surrounded by floodwaters yesterday
Bethany Beach, Delaware, looks more like Venice yesterday. Bethany and nearby Fenwick Island appeared to be among the hardest-hit parts of the state
Stuck: Two cars sit abandoned in sand swept in by the superstorm onto Long Beach, New York
Closed: The South Ferry subway station in New York was knee-deep in seawater last night
Travel hub: The extensive damage to the subway station will take time to repair - officials are unable to estimate when it will reopen for business
Homes ripped apart: The facade of this New York apartment building was knocked off by Sandy
Damaged goods: A man inspects the flood damage to a warehouse in Brooklyn, New York
Tossed around like toys: Boats like crumpled in a heap in a harbour on the south shore of Staten Island
Sodden: The interior of a State Island building completely destroyed by floods swept up by the superstorm
Soaked: Local residents walk through the flooded Hudson Street in Hackensack, New Jersey
Chewed up: Atlantic City is almost unrecognisable because of the damage that Sandy has caused. The total estimated cost of repairs following the storm is $20billion
Stark: Foundations and pilings are all that remain of brick buildings and a boardwalk in Atlantic City, New Jersey
Smashed: A street sign stands near apartment buildings and destroyed large sections of the historic boardwalk
View from the sky: Video taken from a helicopter shows the devastation along Jersey Shore

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