Fort Hood Shootings Will Not Be Labelled As A Terrorist Attack

Pentagon Will Not Label Fort Hood Shootings As Terrorist Attack -- Washington Times

Already facing intense scrutiny for its shifting narrative about the assault on the U.S. Consulate in Libya, the Pentagon now says it will not reclassify the Fort Hood shootings as a terrorist attack over concern about biasing the case against the gunman — an argument that is getting a mixed review from legal specialists.

Late Friday, after 160 victims of the Fort Hood, Texas, shooting called on the Pentagon to label the attack terrorism instead of workplace violence as it has for the past three years, the Department of Defense said it would not reclassify the attack.

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My Comment: By not labeling this as a terror attack, this will be a direct financial hit on the families who are still suffering from this attack. What's my take .... I have always regarded this attack as a terrorist attack .... but .... I do not run the U.S. Department of Defense.

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