(en) France, FA - Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Zone defense

The information circulated over the past few days: the socialist-environmentalist
government mobilized troops and riot police (hundreds of CRS) using backhoes to remove
occupants that are installed almost everywhere on the holding zone made of groves and
farmland, designed for the constrction of the future international airport of
Notre-Dame-des-Landes, Loire-Atlantique. ---- For the moment, occupants are considered as
illegal by the courts, proceedings are underway to evict homeowners, tenants and farmers
of the area concerned. ---- This place has been renamed ? Defend Zone? (ZAD) by resistants
opposed to the capitalist development of the country, a ruinous project that does not meet
the needs of the population, but political and financial ambitions and would devastate the
environment. 40 years ago the first expropriations began with the beginningof the project.

This area to defend belongs legally to the multinational Vinci,
responsible for building and then manage the airport as part of a
public-private partnership, very beneficial for the financial group.
Indeed, local authorities undertake to compensate for any losses that may
occur ... for 55 years!

But this ZAD has also become for over 3 years, a very interesting place of
alternative experiences and self-managing for more than one hundred people
living there and thousands who have passed through, enjoying the
creativity collectively vegetable cleared land , construction of huts,
bread ovens, collective kitchens, meetings, exchanges of knowledge (from
off serigraphy to explore wild edible plants), free price concerts, local
radio (Radio Horn), a journal (Lese concrete).

The airport project is particulary carried, by the current Prime Minister
Jean-Marc Ayrault (former Mayor of Nantes and former MP, Councillor of
Nantes and Community Advisor of Nantes metropolis) since June 21, 2012,
which makes a personal matter of this, likely to leave his glorious name
in the history of "major projects". No one can be surprised of the massive
deployment of forces to meet the interests of a local potentate, political
parties officially allies on this case (PS and UMP) and those who are as
EELV, co-managers for the Government and Parliament. The so called
environmentalists EELV, once again, return the vest despite their
pre-election bluster against the airport, that for the comfort of some

Thus, Tuesday, Oct. 16, the forces of the state began early in the
morning, to dislodge ZAD heads, destroying houses, others be walled.
Pretentious and shifted reality, the prefect announced, at 10 h 30, that
the mission was accomplished. However, if some settlements were demolished
and closed, resistance continues unabated and receives more and more

The Anarchist Federation expresses full solidarity with the struggle of
resisters to the airport and to the frozen world of Capital and the State,
in a word: Power. The Anarchist Federation provide all the help she can to
the best of its ability, to ensure that those who live there can continue
to enjoy this area to defend.

Anarchist Federation.
relations-internationales @ federation-anarchiste.org

Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca

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