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» Egypt, Alexandria, confrontation in front of state council court 20.10.12
Egypt, Alexandria, confrontation in front of state council court 20.10.12
Latest developments of Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH) case, during the discussion of HPH
false contract case with Alexandria port authorities, the Management of HPH local branch
mobilized more than 400 personals mostly paid thugs and minority of absent workers whose
being incited by HPH local office to stand against their Fellow workers and their rights,
after the court start to discuss the case HPH mob start to attack workers of Alexandria
Container and Cargo Handling Company, police intervention prevent the escalation of the
situation, however after police separate thugs and workers, PHP mob stated that they were
here today to assault Libertarian socialists movement members because they are the reason
why they gonna lose the case. ---- We as a movement we don't pay attention to these calls,
and it will never put us down, it will make us more strong between the lines of the
workers against the international capitalism brutality the close allies of local
corruption, it should be noted that the case has .been postponed to 29th of December, for
final decision.
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca