ALGERIA(non)   R.Algerienne in Arabic HQ sce again on shortwave from Oct.1:
0400-0500 on  7295 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 55544
0500-0600 on  7295 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 45444
0500-0600 on  9535 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 55544
0600-0700 on  9535 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 45544
1800-1900 on 13820 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 55555
1900-2000 on 11775 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 34544
1900-2000 on 13820 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 54555
2000-2100 on  9375 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 34543
2000-2100 on 11775 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf, confirmed on Oct.2, 44544
2100-2200 on  7495 ISS 500 kW / 194 deg to NWAf, confirmed on Oct.1, 55544
2100-2200 on  9375 ISS 500 kW / 162 deg to CEAf, confirmed on Oct.1, 45444

BULGARIA    Mighty KBC Radio will aired test broadcast on Sunday Oct.7,2012
0000-0200 on  9400*SOF 100 kW / 306 deg to NoAm. For more information visit
* the same frequency used by Radio Free Asia in Uyghur 0100-0200 from SIT!

IRAN(non)   Radio Rehoye Iran in Farsi was on the air on Sep.24/28 & Oct.1:
1700-1730 on  7530 KCH 100 kW / 100 deg to WeAs Mon/Fri, not Mon-Fri

ISRAEL    No signal of Kol Israel in Persian to WeAs on Sep.22/23/24/25/26:
1400-1530 on 13850 ISR 250 kW / 090 deg & on // 15760 ISR 250 kW / 090 deg.

ISRAEL    Kol Israel Persian to WeAs again on air from Sep.27 at new time:
1500-1630 on 13850 and 15760, ex 1400-1530, Fri/Sat 1500-1600, ex 1400-1500

ISRAEL    Only carrier on Sep.24/25/26 for Radio Galei Zahal on 6973&15850.

ISRAEL    Radio Galei Zahal again on air from Sep.27 on both 6973 and 15850

MADAGASCAR(non)    Strange mixed situation between 2 stations on Sep.29/30:
0602-0803 on 15115 MDC 250 kW / 265 deg to ZWE  Sat/Sun, extra transmission
First hour SWRAfrica and second hour VOPeople both in English/Shona/Ndebele
Please check next weekend on October 6/7 at same time and on same frequency

SUDAN(non)   From October 1 Voice Of South Sudan Revolutionary Radio ceased
its shortwave broadcasts
0500-0800 on 15725 & 1200-1500 on 11650, both from Dushanbe. Instead of it, on October 2, 0500-0600 on 15725 and 1400-1500 on 11650, a new program with African music and several announcements in Arabic: "Saut Afrikya min Idaa-tu Sudanya" and in French: "La Voix du Soudan, Radio National du Soudan" was broadcasted. There was an announcement in third language, too, probably in Somali or Swahili. Please check in the next few days!

TIBET(non)    Frequency change for Voice of Tibet in Tibetan from Oct.3:
1530-1600 NF 15485 MDC 250 kW / 045 deg to CeAs, ex 15500*
* to avoid strong QRM WYFR Gujarati on 15495 and Bangladesh Betar on 15505.

U.K.(non)    Cancelled transmissions of EDC Sudan Radio Service from Sep.26
0400-0500 on 13720 DHA 250 kW / 240 deg to NEAf Arabic, last txion - Sep.25
1500-1600 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Arabic Mon-Fri
1500-1600 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf English/Arabic Sat
1500-1600 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Arabic/English Sun
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Dinka Mon
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Zande Tue
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Nuer Wed
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Bari Thu
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Shiluk Fri
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Arabic Sat
1600-1630 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf Moru Sun
1630-1700 on 17745 WOF 250 kW / 135 deg to NEAf English,last txion - Sep.25

EDC Sudan Radio Service Darfur Program in Arabic will be continued:
0400-0500 on 11800 DHA 250 kW / 225 deg to NEAf, confirmed on Sep.26-Oct.2
1600-1700 on 15500 WOF 250 kW / 137 deg to NEAf, confirmed on Sep.26-Oct.2

USA    Frequency change of WTWW in English from Sep.26:
0000-1200 NF  5745 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg Am/Af/Eu, ex  5755
1200-2400 on  9479 TWW 100 kW / 050 deg Am/Af/Eu, unchange

USA(non)   Frequency change of Radio Liberty from Oct.2:
0100-0200 NF  9480 BIB 100 kW / 085 deg to CeAs, ex  9760 Tajik

USA(non)   Frequency changes of Voice of America from Oct.1:
0700-0730 NF 13725 SAO 100 kW / 000 deg to WeAf, ex 17875 MDC Hausa
1100-1130 NF 12030 SAO 100 kW / 076 deg to CeAf, ex 11925 MDC French Sats
1600-1700 NF 11915 SAO 100 kW / 114 deg to SoAf, ex 12080 Special English

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