1. 'Manhattan Madam' Anna Gristina reportedly arranged underage girl prostitutes for wealthy clients.
Anna Gristina will be ordered to serve five months' probation when she is sentenced on 20 November 2012.
Allegedly she was heard bragging that she had connections in law enforcement who were protecting her.
She has pleaded guilty to running a posh prostitution service from her New York apartment.
Scots madam pleads guilty to prostitution charge in New York court

Gristina, 44, originally known as Anne Tennant, comes from Scotland.
She was brought up by a couple who adopted her.
She emigrated to the US when she was 16.
Allegedly she made £9 million over 10 years.
2. Reportedly, children in Scotland who are 'in care', sometimes end up in big trouble.
On 26 September 2012, it was reported that two teenagers had died at a unit for vulnerable children.
Sammy Joe McGeachy and Catherine Bradley were described as “nice, ordinary lassies from decent families”.

Sammy Joe McGeachy and Catherine Bradley were described as “nice, ordinary lassies from decent families”.
Georgia Rowe and Niamh Lafferty
In 2009, teenagers Niamh Lafferty and Georgia Rowe, who were staying in another children's home in Scotland, died in mysterious circumstances.

Moira Anderson
3. 11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 1957.
She was on her way to the shops to buy a box of chocolates for her mum’s birthday.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
This dossier may identify the people who kidnapped Moira.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
These public figures are said to have abused children in Strathclyde (the Glasgow area) during the 1950s and 1960s.
The dossier is said to list vehicles and safe houses used in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children were hidden before being taken to sex parties.
Strathclyde police have decided not to release the dossier.
The dossier was written by James Gallogley, a convicted child-abuser who died in Peterhead prison in 1999.

4. Quarriers Homes, Nazareth House and St Ninians in Scotland In 2009, teenagers Niamh Lafferty and Georgia Rowe, who were staying in another children's home in Scotland, died in mysterious circumstances.

Moira Anderson
3. 11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland, in 1957.
She was on her way to the shops to buy a box of chocolates for her mum’s birthday.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
This dossier may identify the people who kidnapped Moira.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
These public figures are said to have abused children in Strathclyde (the Glasgow area) during the 1950s and 1960s.
The dossier is said to list vehicles and safe houses used in Glasgow, Monklands and Paisley where children were hidden before being taken to sex parties.
Strathclyde police have decided not to release the dossier.
The dossier was written by James Gallogley, a convicted child-abuser who died in Peterhead prison in 1999.

An independent report for the Scottish government found that there has been massive child abuse in Scottish care homes. (Scotland’s shame )
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences.
'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant.
"The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
"I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys' camps and clubs he ran." - aangirfan: Dunblane
The Herald, 23 November 2007, provides the details (‘These are the voices that need to be heard’) :
"When she was nine - or thereabouts - she (Elizabeth McWilliams) was raped by the man Quarriers called her house father. 'He took his chance,' she said matter-of-factly.
"Some children complained of abuse. That had consequences.
'Boys,' she said. 'Well, they were hung up on door hangers and their penises tied to doorhandles.'"
Quarriers Homes is a Christian community.
Helen Holland was sent to Nazareth House in Kilmarnock, a children's home run by nuns.
At Nazareth House Helen was raped by a priest.
"When she was eight, a nun pulled a hood over her head to help a priest rape her. The sexual abuse went on for three years until, aged 11, she fell pregnant.
"The same nun kicked her in the stomach until she miscarried."
She was 'beaten to a pulp' by a nun.
There was abuse at many other homes (The landmark cases: abuse in children's homes )
At St Ninians: "In 2003 Michael Murphy, 69, formerly known as Brother Benedict, a monk with the de la Salle order, was jailed for two years on ten charges of physical abuse during the 1960s, including torturing pupils with an electric shock device, force-feeding them vomit and whipping them with knotted boot laces."
"I believe that Hamilton was a major provider of pornographic photographs and videos to a ring of men prominent in Central Scotland, including police officers who protected him from numerous allegations of physical abuse at boys' camps and clubs he ran." - aangirfan: Dunblane