Training For The Next Embassy/Conuslate Attack

Fleet Antiterrorism Security Team Marines trained for close-quarters combat this week in Virginia. They are a rapid-reaction force capable of quickly protecting an embassy. Luke Sharrett for The New York Times

Training For Consulate Attacks, in Case There’s A Next Time -- New York Times

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — The “riot” erupted suddenly on the Virginia-North Carolina border in a remote pocket of marshland and pine. “Go back to America!” the protesters shouted, hurling rubber rocks at a large plywood structure meant to be a United States consulate. “We don’t want you here! This is our country!”

Two dozen Marines in full riot gear marched out in formation, beat their batons against their shields and otherwise looked menacing. Within minutes they had pushed back the protesters — fellow Marines in jeans and hooded sweatshirts — in a display of crowd control skills. “It can be a long day if you’re a rioter,” said Staff Sgt. William M. Loushin, the instructor who staged the riot. “Once you actually start getting aggressive against a Marine, it never ends well.”

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My Comment: After what happened at the U.S. consulate in Libya two weeks ago, I assume that there is now a review of all security procedures at U.S. diplomatic missions abroad.

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