September 14, 2012

White Dog and the White Dog Army let out a howl of joy. Steve's schedule for the next quarter has been posted and we once again have Fridays as Saturdays! In exchange for teaching a Saturday afternoon class, he gets Fridays off of work. We love Fridays as Saturdays because everyone else is still in their work week so the Park is nearly empty. Late lunches in our favorite spots mean the best tables in the shade with no waiting. Car rides are zippy and parking lots have open spaces. And, best of all, we get to spend all of Friday together.

This quarter's schedule, because of the Saturday class, also means that Steve only has ONE late night. It comes on Mondays when the WDA likes to take things easy to recover from the weekend; so resting up until the end of Steve's night class at 11pm will allow everyone to be fresh and ready for a Walk when dad gets home. Because he has taken on the additional duties of chairing two departments (without more green papers), Steve will also be taking a fair bit of "casual comp" time as a reward.

If the WDA had its druthers, Steve would be home all of the time...but we can live with this schedule until, as momma says, it rains green paper from heaven.

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