Registry of Anthropological Data Wiki

Registry of Anthropological Data Wiki 

Welcome to the Registry of Anthropological Data WikiEdit

The Registry of Anthropological Data is a resource for anthropologists and any other researchers interested in culture, history, language, and human life in general. It represents a wide-ranging list of fieldnotes, ethnographic source materials, and data in countless digital and physical archives, produced by scores of anthropologists over the last century. But the list is by no means comprehensive. Please contribute to the wiki by adding your knowledge about existing materials, whether they are in archives, digital repositories, or stand-alone websites. We encourage everyone with any knowledge about data collections and research projects to contribute to this wiki!
Why a data registry? It offers numerous advantages to the discipline:
  1. Creation of a go-to location for researchers to identify where the relevant data is archived or deposited, thus accelerating data sharing and discovery.
  2. Flexibility for researchers as they seek to comply with overlapping and evolving mandates, rather than adding another hoop.
  3. Cooperation with existing facilities, rather than competition for resources.
  4. Relatively fast development, because the data registry would not attempt to resolve bedeviling headaches about interoperability of anthropology's extremely diverse data products.
  5. Citation of data sets, thus expediting subsequent discovery and use of that research as well as emphasizing the work done by the original researcher(s) of those data.
The original list of archives incoporated in this wiki is being used courtesy of the Committee for the Preservation of the Anthropological Record.
This is a project conducted by the American Anthropological Association and funded by National Science Foundation grant BCS-1159109. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact Chelsea by leaving her a message.

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