Reportedly, Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama, appeared in porn mags.

A film claiming that Obama's mother posed for pornographic pictures in bondage gear, and that Obama's father is Frank Marshall Davis, is being sent to millions of swing voters in the USA.

With 'Dreams From My Real Father,' Have Obama Haters Hit Rock Bottom? - Daily Beast‎

The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' claims that Davis photographed Ann Dunham and sold the photos to magazines such as 'Bizarre Life', 'Exotique', and 'Secret Pleasures'.

The film claims that Obama’s grandfather was a CIA agent.

(Reportedly, both Frank Davis and Ann Dunham worked for the CIA.)

Left - Mark Davis, son of Frank Davis; right - Barack Obama

Left - Barck Obama; right - Lyn Davis, daughter of Frank Davis.

Ann Dunham

Reportedly, these are pictures of Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama.

The film, 'Dreams From My Real Father' has been made by Joel Gilbert, a pro-Israel Los Angeles based filmmaker known for films such as 'Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War for Islamic Revival' and 'Farewell Israel."

Joel Gilbert

Gilbert reportedly studied at the London School of Economics, which has connections to MI6, and at George Washington University, which has connections to the CIA.

Dinesh D'Souza, in his book: 'Obama’s America', alleges that Ann Dunham sent her son Barack to Hawaii so she could have sex with Indonesian men.

'Learning about Ann's sexual adventures in Indonesia, I realized how wrong I had been to consider Barack Obama Sr. the playboy … Ann … was the real playgirl, and despite all her reservations about power, she was using her American background and economic and social power to purchase the romantic attention of third-world men.'

Some bloggers have claimed that the 'scar' on Barack Obama's head is evidence of a CIA mind-control implant.

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The battle seems to be hotting up between the Zionist faction of the CIA (Romney) and the Trilateralist faction of the CIA (Obama)

Both factions are fascist war mongers with mafia links, reportedly.

Mossad's Maxwell

Millions were invested in Mitt Romney's Bain and Company by Robert Maxwell, reportedly a Mossad agent, and Jack Lyons, reportedly a Jewish fraudster.

Romney fortune built with help from Robert Maxwell and Jack Lyons 

Maxwell disappeared in mysterious circumstances in 1991, after which it was discovered he had stolen hundreds of millions from an employee pension scheme.

Lyons was convicted after a massive share trading fraud, the Guinness Scandal, linked to the take-over bid for drinks company Distillers.

Jewish fraudster Lyons.

Romney was a senior management consultant at Bain when Bain was caught up in the Guinness scandal as advisers to the drinks firm.

Bain Capital was run from Romney's Boston office. 

Lyons was hired to help set up a British office and became the fund's first investor, via a front company in Panama. 

Mitt Romney pursued Jack Lyons with 'charm offensive ... - Telegraph

According to the Daily Telegraph Lyons signed up his pal Robert Maxwell.
One Bain executive said: 'Jack took an interest in Bain almost as if we were his sons."

Among the funds other investors were people in El Salvador linked to Right-wing 'death squads'.

The fund yielded an average return of 173 per cent a year from investments in 21 firms.

Orit Gadiesh

Christopher Bollyn has written about 'Romney's Israeli Handler'.(Mitt Romney An Agent Of The State Of Israel -

"Orit Gadiesh, former 'War Room' assistant to Ezer Weizman and Moshe Dayan, is the daughter of Israeli Brigadier General Falk Gadiesh (born Falk Gruenfeld, Berlin, 1921) and his Ukrainian-born wife. 

"Gadiesh is chairman of the management consulting firm Bain & Company, the parent company of Bain Capital, and was the company’s managing director under CEO Mitt Romney in 1992. 'She’s like a Jewish mother figure to many of the people at Bain,' ex-Bainie Dan Quinn told Fortune magazine in 1996."

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