Anonymous left this comment on the post "BODY ON QUEEN'S NORFOLK ESTATE - SUSPECTS RELEASED":
"Recently a top policeman was found dead...
"This policeman was asking questions about child brothels near a Norfolk airbase."
Anonymous points out that this same policeman investigated suspected vote rigging when Tony Blair's friend Margaret Hodge (Oppenheim), former minister for Children, became the member of parliament for Barking.

"Recently a top policeman was found dead...
"This policeman was asking questions about child brothels near a Norfolk airbase."
Anonymous points out that this same policeman investigated suspected vote rigging when Tony Blair's friend Margaret Hodge (Oppenheim), former minister for Children, became the member of parliament for Barking.

Jeff Chevalier, the male prostitute who had dinner with Tony Blair and Lord Browne. "The encounter casts revealing light on the two men - and on the overlap that exists between their business and their personal relationships." The TRUE story about Lord Browne - by ex-rent boy lover | Mail Online
Anonymous (an 'ex-policeman') left this comment on the post "BODY ON QUEEN'S ESTATE - SUSPECTS RELEASED":
"Ex police chief Julie Spence went out on a limb in Operation Radium to close 120 mafia run brothels, in the general Norfolk area...
"Ex police chief Julie Spence went out on a limb in Operation Radium to close 120 mafia run brothels, in the general Norfolk area...
"The Russian mafia paid large sums to XXXX XXXXX to allow Russian bilionaire criminals into Britain..."
Royal Airfoce Bases
According to the Sunday Times , 12 September 2010, British soldiers have reportedly been using military aircraft to ship Afghan heroin to the UK's Brize Norton military base.
"Evidence from local drug smugglers has for some time suggested that British troops may be involved in the (drug) trade," reported the Sunday Times.
The Ministry of Defence has been "investigating the allegations" of a whistleblower.
The Sunday Times quotes an Afghan drugs dealer as saying: "most of the foreigners who do these deals are the military...
"They are carrying these drugs in the military airlines..."

"Operation Radium... is the British national security campaign against the British government allowing the trafficking of women and children into Britain for the sex industry.
"Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Vanterpool, in charge at Cambridgeshire, raided 119 mafia brothels.
"Some girls claimed they had to service 60 clients a day, and 5 showed signs of torture...

"The Russian mafia boss Ivan Lukaszewski ... says his money is made up from supplying half price labour to the factories and farms in the area, and that the British government itself is responsible for people trafficking,
"Many senior Russian mafia operatives live in the Norfolk Kings Lyn area, where the New Labour M.P George Turner some 10 years ago, foolishly agreed to huge numbers of Soviet Bloc refugees coming to the area...
"Particularly targeted for blackmail are those who work at the local airbases and have access to secrets...
"More and more workers ... with technical knowledge, teachers, policemen and a senior evangelical preacher are on the files and are also laying themselves open to blackmail by visiting these establishments..."

UK Prime Minister Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. Cottaging involves picking up young males in public toilets.
"In 1983 at Bow St Magistrates Court a certain Charles Lynton was fined £50 for attempted soliciting in city toilets.

Here is an article from T Stokes which refers to that part of the UK where the teenage girl was found on the Queen's estate:
UK Sex Trafficking
UK Sex Trafficking
"Operation Radium... is the British national security campaign against the British government allowing the trafficking of women and children into Britain for the sex industry.
"Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Vanterpool, in charge at Cambridgeshire, raided 119 mafia brothels.
"Some girls claimed they had to service 60 clients a day, and 5 showed signs of torture...

"The Russian mafia boss Ivan Lukaszewski ... says his money is made up from supplying half price labour to the factories and farms in the area, and that the British government itself is responsible for people trafficking,
"Many senior Russian mafia operatives live in the Norfolk Kings Lyn area, where the New Labour M.P George Turner some 10 years ago, foolishly agreed to huge numbers of Soviet Bloc refugees coming to the area...
"Particularly targeted for blackmail are those who work at the local airbases and have access to secrets...
"More and more workers ... with technical knowledge, teachers, policemen and a senior evangelical preacher are on the files and are also laying themselves open to blackmail by visiting these establishments..."

UK Prime Minister Ted Heath 'stopped cottaging for gay sex to protect his career'. Cottaging involves picking up young males in public toilets.
According to T Stokes:
"The police notes were to disappear later along with several prior verbal warnings.
"Charles Lynton was at university well known as 'Miranda' a promiscous cross dresser who played a guitar badly.

"Charles Lynton is Tony Blair's middle names...
"The NSA whistleblower David Murphy-Fawkes has said they listened in to all Tony Blairs calls, as the US senate saw him as a lightweight 'pinnochio' figure...
"Peter Mandelson (who has a boyfriend) is controlling director of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children...
"When Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer) was Children's Minister she lived next door to Tony Blair.

Rantzen in red and black.
"They also knew childline funders Sarah Caplin and Esther Rantzen, who are connected to TV mogul Michael Grade.
"The Metropolitan police tell us that a score of scandals have hit childrens homes across the country...
"Interestingly a score of names of frequent visitors to these care homes, including pop musicians DJs and top politicans, was D noticed by Tony Blair, including mention that Gordon Brown was close to several rent boys and Sarah Macauley was paid £50,000 to marry him and stay the course.
"This out of publisher Robert Maxwels 'Black Widow Fund' which went usually to zionist activists.
"Maxwells daughter Ghislaine is said to be fund adminstrator and close to Prince Andrew..."

Blair at Fettes (Website for this image). Scotland on Sunday revealed that the man who taught Tony Blair history, left Fettes following allegations including fondling boys while he caned them, watching children on the toilet and becoming aroused while meting out corporal punishment. Former Fettes pupil Lord MacLean, one of the judges at the Lockerbie trial, rallied around their former teacher, saying they do not have any recollection of him ever behaving in an inappropriate manner.
Tony Blair, who is sometimes known as Miranda, attended a private boarding school called Fettes, in Edinburgh.
One of the people Tony Blair had contact with at Fettes was Sir Knox Cunningham.
According to John Rentoul's biography Tony Blair Prime Minister, Knox Cunningham would visit the school several times a year and he liked to visit the boys' quarters.
Blair loved having discussions with Knox Cunningham.

John Rentoul quotes one of Blair's contemporaries as saying: "Cunningham was the sort of man who liked boys."
According to Martin Dillon's book "The Trigger Men", Knox Cunningham was homosexual and had links to people involved in a child sex abuse ring.
According to Dillon: "William Mc Grath ... was a BritishIntelligence agent from the 1950s onwards...
"He sought out young men and boys..."
McGrath "knew Sir Knox Cunningham and other leading Unionist homosexuals.
"Collectively, they were part of what today would be called a pedophile ring.
"While researching my book God and the Gun, I spoke to a source about this 'ring' and he explained that there were several Boys’ Homes in Northern Ireland from which boys were picked up and taken to parties in Brighton, England.
"McGrath ... had protection from the British Intelligence community before the Troubles began in earnest.
"As my source said, 'top hats and royalty', meaning the English upper classes and people connected to the Royal Family, were part of a wider homosexual ring in which Mc Grath was an integral player."

Ronald Selby-Wright and Princess Margaret
At Fettes, Tony Blair was close friends with Ronald Selby Wright, a Church of Scotland minister with links to the military and to boys clubs. (Ronald Selby Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
According to John Rentoul, Tony Blair, in his final year at Fettes, ran a summer camp for Selby Wright's boys' club.
Reportedly, Selby Wright was 'a persistent paedophile abusing boys at Fettes and elsewhere'.
According to The Sunday Times, 25 May 1997, "Blair’s School Mentor Was a Sex Abuser." (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 18).

Margaret Hodge, who is Jewish, is one of the 'secret' rulers of Britain. She once ran Islington Council in London. She was Tony Blair's Minister for Children..
On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday told us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring
This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.
Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.
(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)
The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday.
In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London.
All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people.
5,000 child sex slaves in the UK
'More than 5,000 children are being forced to work as sex slaves in the UK, including thousands trafficked to this country by criminal gangs.'
Sex traffic: Danielle was 15 when she was sold into slavery
aangirfan: QUEER GOINGS ON
"The NSA whistleblower David Murphy-Fawkes has said they listened in to all Tony Blairs calls, as the US senate saw him as a lightweight 'pinnochio' figure...
"Peter Mandelson (who has a boyfriend) is controlling director of the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children...
"When Margaret Hodge (Oppenheimer) was Children's Minister she lived next door to Tony Blair.

Rantzen in red and black.
"They also knew childline funders Sarah Caplin and Esther Rantzen, who are connected to TV mogul Michael Grade.
"The Metropolitan police tell us that a score of scandals have hit childrens homes across the country...
"Interestingly a score of names of frequent visitors to these care homes, including pop musicians DJs and top politicans, was D noticed by Tony Blair, including mention that Gordon Brown was close to several rent boys and Sarah Macauley was paid £50,000 to marry him and stay the course.
"This out of publisher Robert Maxwels 'Black Widow Fund' which went usually to zionist activists.
"Maxwells daughter Ghislaine is said to be fund adminstrator and close to Prince Andrew..."

Blair at Fettes (Website for this image). Scotland on Sunday revealed that the man who taught Tony Blair history, left Fettes following allegations including fondling boys while he caned them, watching children on the toilet and becoming aroused while meting out corporal punishment. Former Fettes pupil Lord MacLean, one of the judges at the Lockerbie trial, rallied around their former teacher, saying they do not have any recollection of him ever behaving in an inappropriate manner.
Tony Blair, who is sometimes known as Miranda, attended a private boarding school called Fettes, in Edinburgh.
One of the people Tony Blair had contact with at Fettes was Sir Knox Cunningham.
According to John Rentoul's biography Tony Blair Prime Minister, Knox Cunningham would visit the school several times a year and he liked to visit the boys' quarters.
Blair loved having discussions with Knox Cunningham.

John Rentoul quotes one of Blair's contemporaries as saying: "Cunningham was the sort of man who liked boys."
According to Martin Dillon's book "The Trigger Men", Knox Cunningham was homosexual and had links to people involved in a child sex abuse ring.
According to Dillon: "William Mc Grath ... was a BritishIntelligence agent from the 1950s onwards...
"He sought out young men and boys..."
McGrath "knew Sir Knox Cunningham and other leading Unionist homosexuals.
"Collectively, they were part of what today would be called a pedophile ring.
"While researching my book God and the Gun, I spoke to a source about this 'ring' and he explained that there were several Boys’ Homes in Northern Ireland from which boys were picked up and taken to parties in Brighton, England.
"McGrath ... had protection from the British Intelligence community before the Troubles began in earnest.
"As my source said, 'top hats and royalty', meaning the English upper classes and people connected to the Royal Family, were part of a wider homosexual ring in which Mc Grath was an integral player."

Ronald Selby-Wright and Princess Margaret
At Fettes, Tony Blair was close friends with Ronald Selby Wright, a Church of Scotland minister with links to the military and to boys clubs. (Ronald Selby Wright - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
According to John Rentoul, Tony Blair, in his final year at Fettes, ran a summer camp for Selby Wright's boys' club.
Reportedly, Selby Wright was 'a persistent paedophile abusing boys at Fettes and elsewhere'.
According to The Sunday Times, 25 May 1997, "Blair’s School Mentor Was a Sex Abuser." (The Biggest Secret - Chapter 18).

Margaret Hodge, who is Jewish, is one of the 'secret' rulers of Britain. She once ran Islington Council in London. She was Tony Blair's Minister for Children..
On 16 November 2008, the Mail on Sunday told us How a close male relative of Baby P is linked to a big paedophile ring
This child-abuse ring operated in Labour-run Islington, the part of London where Tony Blair once lived.
Reportedly, the ring supplied boys to top people.
(This child abuse ring, reportedly, has links to the child abuse in Jersey, which in turn, reportedly, has links to the Dutroux affair and the security services)
The close male relative of Baby P reportedly recruited boys from children's homes in Islington for the child-abuse ring, according to a secret report seen by The Mail on Sunday.
In the early 1990s, the relative, as a boy, was put in a children's home, in Labour-run Islington, in London.
All 12 of the children's homes in Islington were being used by the child-abuse ring, which reportedly had links to top people.
5,000 child sex slaves in the UK
'More than 5,000 children are being forced to work as sex slaves in the UK, including thousands trafficked to this country by criminal gangs.'
Sex traffic: Danielle was 15 when she was sold into slavery
aangirfan: QUEER GOINGS ON