Open Access Monographs: The Swedish Institute in Rome

[First posted in AWOL 6 February 2010. Updated 16 September 2012]

The Swedish Institute in Rome. Online Publications
The Swedish Institute in Rome is a research institute, subordinate to the Swedish Ministry of Education (Utbildningsdepartementet). It is the base for excavations and other scientific research in Italy and pursues academic instruction in archaeology and art sciences as well as arranging conferences with themes of interest to the institute. The Institute has at its disposal a building in central Rome with a relatively well-supplied library, archaeological laboratory and c. twenty rooms and smaller apartments for the use of visiting researchers and holders of scholarships.
Projects & Seminars

1 Pompeian plasters. Insula I 9 and Forum
2 Via Tiburtina. Space, movement and artefacts in the urban landscape
3 Art, Conservation, Science. The Lancellotti Collection Project
4 Roman villas around the urbs. Interaction with landscape and environment
5 Pecus. Man and animal in Antiquity
6 The Swedish Institute in Rome. Projects & Seminars

Other online publications
 1 Bengt E. Thomasson - Laterculi praesidium

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