on Tuesday launched its online radio platform in the US, putting its spin on a market dominated by the likes of Pandora and Spotify.
Unlike online radio services that let listeners create play lists based on tastes in music, Radionomy invites people to become deejays or talk-show hosts of their own programs streamed online for anyone to hear, according to a story at
Radionomy provides simple tools for people to create radio programs and provides a library of music.
VIDEO: How It Works, click here.
The company tends to royalties through a deal with Sound Exchange and asks that for four minutes out of every hour on the air it gets to run ads, the revenue from which is shared with program creators.
Radionomy launched in France in 2008 and added offices in Belgium, Germany and Spain. The company opened a San Francisco office as part of its drive into the US.
RADIONOMY FAQs, click here.