Most Popular Posts of August 2012: Cool Cat Teacher Blog

lesson plans from 1979
We've come a long way on our lesson plans - Look at this one from 1979 (Photo credit: Fuschia Foot)
August was a busy month with many of us heading back to school. Looking over my stats for this blog, I thought you might want to see the hottest posts of the month for your weekend reading:

I hate to say that out of the literally thousands of positive upbeat posts I've written on this blog, that one of the few negative posts "10 Ways to Be a Terrible Teacher" is now topping the list as one of my all time most popular posts. It makes me sad that this is what we've become. It shows me that many want to criticize, not uplift. I've actually gotten email telling me "you're so negative" when, in fact, I'm usually not. I'm not sure if it is that it hits home on the problems we are most upset over or if people want to let someone else be the critic. 

Hope you all have a great Labor Day weekend here in the states and for the rest of you in the world. #teachwell and be noble! 

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