More than 54 thousand visitors and readers have read this

More than 54 thousand visitors and readers have read this blog.

In August only, more than 21 thousand...


Some examples of the materials  (environmental science, bioscience) that were often viewed:

American scientists cited these publications on issues of eutrophication, algal blooms, and water self-purification
Environmental science, ecology, biology, water quality and sustainability: A lot of recent blog posts, web-pages with papers, bibliography and other materials, online free:


Key to water safety, sustainability, in more than 10 languages:

Env. Sci. sites - 03-16-2011 - 04-08-2011

Criteria for environmental hazards of chemicals, and negative anthropogenic effects on organisms and biota


25 innovative publications on environmental science and ecology. What is new. Updated

Ecology. In: Arabic, Armenian, Azerbaijan, Belorussian, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, Malay, Persian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Moldovan, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Tai, Turkish, Ukrainian:

These countries, regions will benefit from the theory of water self-purification
Champions in Bioscience of 200-year-span. Best of the best. Top of the top. Great Discoveries,  Ideas.  Most Important.
Происхождение термина "биохимическая экология". Откуда взялся термин  "биохимическая экология"?
Цитирование книг д.б.н.С.Остроумова Введение в биохим. экологию;Введение в проблемы биох.экологии
Landmark key discoveries: biology, environmental science. 20th, 21st centuries.
Потрясающие фото морских беспозвоночных. amazing pictures of marine beautiful invertebrate monsters -
Amazing pictures of marine beautiful invertebrate monsters
Environmental Science. Most often viewed blog posts.
Poland. Citation of a Russian environmentalist ( Moscow University)
History, evolution, the most important steps in environmental science, life science. Top results, 21st, 20th centuries
China. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality:
FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants
Top discoveries. 21st, 20th centuries, environmental sciences, biology: best scientific publications, achievements:
First publication: concentrations of a number of rare earth elements in detritus of biological origin, aquatic systems
** Unique book on new environmental hazards, risks and dangers. New key pollutants. New ecological toxicants
**Saudi Arabia. Citation of research at Moscow University. Example: Citation of the book
**World-wide,international citing of publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow).  in USA, Germany,U. K., Sweden,  France,
**Argentina. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Ecology, environmental science.
Citing: publications authored by Dr. S.Ostroumov in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands,  Australia, Japan, China
New theory: ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term, was proposed by the author) which improves water quality:
Water safety and water sustainability. New scientific theory of water self-purification
Why the current measures against water pollution will fail for sure, if the new discoveries are ignored.
updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.
Ukraine: another citation of a Russian ecologist (Fulbright Award recipient), Moscow State University
Available online free: Тексты статей можно получить онлайн бесплатно: Environmental science
Recently, these blog posts attracted attention: 1, 824 reads and views during one day.
In many languages. Environment Sci. web-sites, Internet: Chinese,  English,  French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
new theory of ecological self-purification of water was formulated and proposed in a series of innovative papers
Popular with Internet: 1,267 views during one day only. Environmental science, ecology, water safety,  sustainability:
Citation in Czech Republic.
Book of Moscow environmentalists, A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University:
Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Scientific paper. Water quality.

Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.Ecological purification of water:
Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus. Paper published:
Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Innovative paper.
Concepts of Biochemical Ecology and Hydrobiology: Ecological Chemomediators. Innovative concepts, terminology.

**updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.

Aquatic ecology. Innovative papers are available online free.

Revolution in Environmental Science is knocking the door: solutions to challenges of global change.
New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations;
New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations; See the blog post:
Updated. Indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.
Revolutionary innovation: Ecosystem health and water pollution control: studying water self-purification

**61 steps to a new ecology, environmental science
Updated: Environmental Science.  Papers that were found on Google. Internet.

Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology,  Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books
Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology, authored by a Moscow University scientist, Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books

**Indexed: Web of Science. Plant sciences, phytotoxicity, phytotest. Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; with DOI. Selected publications
indexed: Web of Science. Area: Aquatic Environmental sciences, Aquatic ecology, life sciences. Selected publications
New evidence of a change in public attitude to surfactants: a victory of science
Many international experts, scientists recommended  libraries, universities, governmental agencies to acquire this book
Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems


These sites with papers were updated recently, available online free :

Environmental Science and other topics. Available online free.
Environment Sci.:  recent blog posts

first opinion paper and review paper in which a multi-aspect innovative analysis of the ecological role of organisms that filter water was made
Nanomaterials. Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles after Their Addition to Water.
Environmental Science.  Examples of Papers that were found on Google. Internet.
New interesting ideas in ecology, environmental sciences
Publications indexed: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Authored: Dr. S.A.Ostroumov
Frequently asked questions, part 2. About the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants
book,environmental hazards of detergents: National Library of Australia, libraries:Harvard, MIT, Canada, Europe, Asia:
Published reviews of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001)
Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants
U.S. library of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Published reviews of the English book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants

**Environmental Sciences,sustainability, ecology,Aquatic, Ecosystems, Toxicant, Water, Self-Purification, Water Quality,

Innovations in Environmental Science, Ecology, Water Science:
Evaluation. A scientist of Russian Academy of Sciences: Evaluation of a researcher at Moscow University
Gold nanoparticles in aquatic medium,  can be immobilized by aquatic plants (macrophytes). First paper, discovery:
Ecological enigma of natural water discovered: water filtering activity of filter-feeders
phytotoxicity of synthetic chemicals and pollutants, plant science: interesting innovative papers, useful methods:
environment science:blog posts, innovations: ecology, pollution control, water quality, safety, discoveries, education
Environmental Science: Blog posts that have been most popular with Internet users, updated
56 Innovations, discoveries, 56 Steps to a New Ecology.Bibliography.DOI.What is new?

INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, environmental sciences, biology.18.Items. Sites in Other Languages,+List of One-line Titles. S.Ostroumov.


_ Table.worldWideCiting3.05.-World-wide and international citing of publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, examples (citation in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Australia, Japan, China, India, other countries).

Countries Worldwide Acquired the Books: Environment, Ecology. USA, Canada, France, Sweden, Japan, China, Belgium, Switzerland, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom,Germany, Denmark, Spain, Mexico, Norway, Finland, Italy,Iceland, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Slovakia, Turkey, Serbia, Qatar,Indonesia,

Scholars of these institutions (worldwide, > 307 institutions including universities) cited publications (biology, ecology, environment) authored by Dr S.A.Ostroumov.

Biological Effects of Surfactants.Сover,abstract,contents,reviews. Environmental hazards of detergents. Harvard University, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT acquired the book

Гидробиология. новые факты. ключевые слова-золото, наноматериалы, водные макрофиты, роголистник. in English.S. A. Ostroumov (С.А.Остроумов), G. M. Kolesov.Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles after Their Addition to Water. Doklady Biological Sciences

Cited.ostroumov.big.List.upd.June21.2011)Nov8.-Citation of publications authored by S.A.Ostroumov /Цитирование публикаций д.б.н. С.А.Остроумова

All About Scientific Results, Activities of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov. Ecology, Environmental science, water quality, biology, pollution control, conservation.1 AWARDS, HONORS; 2 DISCOVERIES; 3 PUBLICATIONS; 4 CITATION; 5 COMMENTS, EVALUATIONS, REVIEWS; 6 AVAILABILITY IN LIBRARIES; 7 EDUCATION

Ecology, environmental, science, water quality, biology, pollution control, conservation, safety, education, innovations, citation, Moscow University,

** Citation.Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine.Cited works at Moscow University. edit delete
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Environmental Science. Updated: Recent blog posts.
Citation.Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine.Cited works at Moscow University. Цитирование публикаций МГУ,экология

Env. sci. blog posts: most popular with Internet edit delete
Saturday, August 25, 2012

Blog posts often viewed: 990 views on Blogger plus views on Scribd, on one day
Some examples of the materials  (environmental science, bioscience) that were often viewed:
These countries, regions will benefit from the theory of water self-purification
Champions in Bioscience of 200-year-span. Best of the best. Top of the top. Great Discoveries,  Ideas.  Most Important.
Происхождение термина "биохимическая экология". Откуда взялся термин  "биохимическая экология"?


Цитирование книг д.б.н.С.Остроумова Введение в биохим. экологию;Введение в проблемы биох.экологии


Landmark key discoveries: biology, environmental science. 20th, 21st centuries.
Потрясающие фото морских беспозвоночных. amazing pictures of marine beautiful invertebrate monsters -

Amazing pictures of marine beautiful invertebrate monsters

Environmental Science. Most often viewed blog posts.
Poland. Citation of a Russian environmentalist ( Moscow University)


History, evolution, the most important steps in environmental science, life science. Top results, 21st, 20th centuries


China. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality:
FAQ (Frequently asked questions) on the book: S.A.Ostroumov. Biological Effects of Surfactants
Top discoveries. 21st, 20th centuries, environmental sciences, biology: best scientific publications, achievements:

First publication: concentrations of a number of rare earth elements in detritus of biological origin, aquatic systems

** Unique book on new environmental hazards, risks and dangers. New key pollutants. New ecological toxicants

**Saudi Arabia. Citation of research at Moscow University. Example: Citation of the book

**World-wide,international citing of publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow).  in USA, Germany,U. K., Sweden,  France,

**Argentina. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Ecology, environmental science.


Citing: publications authored by Dr. S.Ostroumov in USA, Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands,  Australia, Japan, China


New theory: ecosystem’s biomachinery (a new scientific term, was proposed by the author) which improves water quality:


Water safety and water sustainability. New scientific theory of water self-purification

Why the current measures against water pollution will fail for sure, if the new discoveries are ignored.


updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.


Ukraine: another citation of a Russian ecologist (Fulbright Award recipient), Moscow State University

Available online free: Тексты статей можно получить онлайн бесплатно: Environmental science
Recently, these blog posts attracted attention: 1, 824 reads and views during one day.
In many languages. Environment Sci. web-sites, Internet: Chinese,  English,  French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean,
new theory of ecological self-purification of water was formulated and proposed in a series of innovative papers
Popular with Internet: 1,267 views during one day only. Environmental science, ecology, water safety,  sustainability:
Citation in Czech Republic.
Book of Moscow environmentalists, A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University:
Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions. Scientific paper. Water quality.

Biocontrol of Water Quality: Multifunctional Role of Biota in Water Self-Purification.Ecological purification of water:
Inhibition of mussel suspension feeding by surfactants of three classes. Marine mussels Mytilus. Paper published:
Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. Innovative paper.
Concepts of Biochemical Ecology and Hydrobiology: Ecological Chemomediators. Innovative concepts, terminology.

**updated: indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.
S. A. Ostroumov. On the Multifunctional Role of the Biota in the Self-Purification of Aquatic Ecosystems. -  Ecology:
Some aspects of water filtering activity of filter-feeders. - Hydrobiologia,[environmental toxicology of detergents]

Aquatic ecosystem as a bioreactor: water purification and some other functions.[water quality, freshwater, marine]
Aquatic ecology. Innovative papers are available online free.

Revolution in Environmental Science is knocking the door: solutions to challenges of global change.
New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations;
New terminology was suggested: ecological tax; ecological repair of water quality; and other innovations; See the blog post:
Updated. Indexed, with abstracts: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Publications with DOI.
63  steps to a new ecology. Updated to 66.
** 63  steps to a new ecology. Updated.
Revolutionary innovation: Ecosystem health and water pollution control: studying water self-purification

**61 steps to a new ecology, environmental science
Updated: Environmental Science.  Papers that were found on Google. Internet.

Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology,  Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books
Impact of the publications on Environmental Science, Biology, authored by a Moscow University scientist, Dr. S.Ostroumov: Internet, papers, books

**Indexed: Web of Science. Plant sciences, phytotoxicity, phytotest. Dr. S.A. Ostroumov; with DOI. Selected publications
indexed: Web of Science. Area: Aquatic Environmental sciences, Aquatic ecology, life sciences. Selected publications
New evidence of a change in public attitude to surfactants: a victory of science
Many international experts, scientists recommended  libraries, universities, governmental agencies to acquire this book
Biodiversity protection and quality of water: the role of feedbacks in ecosystems

These sites with papers were updated recently, available online free :

Environmental Science and other topics. Available online free.
Environment Sci.:  recent blog posts

first opinion paper and review paper in which a multi-aspect innovative analysis of the ecological role of organisms that filter water was made
Nanomaterials. Aquatic Macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum Immobilizes Au Nanoparticles after Their Addition to Water.
Responses of Unio tumidus to Mixed Chemical Preparations and the Hazard of Synecological Summation of Anthropogenic...
Environmental Science.  Examples of Papers that were found on Google. Internet.
New interesting ideas in ecology, environmental sciences
Publications indexed: Web of Science. Area: Environmental sciences, life sciences. Authored: Dr. S.A.Ostroumov
Frequently asked questions, part 2. About the book, Biological Effects of Surfactants
book,environmental hazards of detergents: National Library of Australia, libraries:Harvard, MIT, Canada, Europe, Asia:
Published reviews of the book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants on Organisms (2001)
Chinese Key words, for the book: Biological Effects of Surfactants
U.S. library of Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Published reviews of the English book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants

**Environmental Sciences,sustainability, ecology,Aquatic, Ecosystems, Toxicant, Water, Self-Purification, Water Quality,

Innovations in Environmental Science, Ecology, Water Science:
Evaluation. A scientist of Russian Academy of Sciences: Evaluation of a researcher at Moscow University
Gold nanoparticles in aquatic medium,  can be immobilized by aquatic plants (macrophytes). First paper, discovery:
Ecological enigma of natural water discovered: water filtering activity of filter-feeders
phytotoxicity of synthetic chemicals and pollutants, plant science: interesting innovative papers, useful methods:
Phytotoxicity.Fagopyrum esculentum.Bibliography of Dr.S.Ostroumov.Surfactants, Detergents. Phytotest, higher plants:
environment science:blog posts, innovations: ecology, pollution control, water quality, safety, discoveries, education
Environmental Science: Blog posts that have been most popular with Internet users, updated

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