Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- September 15, 2012

U.S. Push To Put Diplomats In Danger Zones Challenges Security -- McClatchy News

WASHINGTON — The Bush administration called it “transformational diplomacy,” an initiative that sent U.S. diplomats into war zones and other trouble spots to promote democracy and U.S. interests. But this week’s attacks on U.S. missions across the Muslim world and the killing of the U.S. ambassador and three other Americans in Libya highlight the deadly risks and high costs involved.

The effort, which has expanded under the Obama administration, has raised the personnel and financial burdens that the State Department and the Pentagon bear in protecting the more than 400 U.S. diplomatic facilities across the globe, from embassies to tiny facilities called American Presence Posts.

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Former generals, professor weigh in on embassy attacks -- McClatchy News

U.S. positions forces across Mideast as Obama vows to protect Americans -- Al Arabiya

US positioning military forces: Panetta -- International News/AFP

Libya attack: Pentagon sends elite Marine team to protect Americans
-- Christian Science Monitor

US scrambles to rush spies, drones to Libya
-- AP

Hunt for US ambassador’s killers complicated by overstretched CIA, untested Libyan spy agency -- Washington Post/AP

Hungary Is Hungry for Hueys; Defense Minister Hopes For 'A Donation' EXCLUSIVE -- Aol Defense

Indian AF Seeks 20 Hawk Advanced Jet Trainers
-- Defense News

Russian Army Mistakes School for Militant Base, Bombs It -- RIA Novosti

Russian Navy Plans to Revamp Its Fleet of Auxiliary Ships -- RIA Novosti

Photo: Varyag prepares for commissioning -- Alert 5

Zimbabwe turns to China for military defense --

Swiss government opposes bid to scrap military service -- Reuters

We're Headed To The Persian Gulf Tomorrow For A Huge Military Mine Clearing Exercise -- Business Insider

Panetta embarking on Asia trip with stops in Japan, China
-- Stars and Stripes

Dempsey Arrives in Romania for NATO Talks -- US Department of Defense

Pentagon admit Osprey deployment delays to Okinawa -- Defense Tech

Ospreys in Okinawa
-- New York Times editorial

AF admits F-22 mistakes to Congress
-- Defense Tech

F-22 Analysis Continues, Air Force General Tells Congress
-- US Department of Defense

Air Force Preps Trillion-Dollar Jet Tests Despite Pentagon Concerns -- Danger Room

Work Begins to Repair Fire-Damaged Submarine USS Miami
-- Defense News

Sequester Stalemate Deepens With OMB Report's Release -- Aol Defense

White House warns planned budget cuts 'deeply destructive' to military, other agencies
-- FOX News/AP

House passes new Stolen Valor Act -- Stars and Stripes/AP

Tough talk by Marine commandant complicates sexual-assault cases -- Stars and Stripes/McClatchy News

Soldier crime wave seen fueled by Army ignoring distress
-- Stars and Stripes/Bloomberg

Military Murder Charges Reveal Terror Groups Inside Army
-- Bloomberg Businessweek

Stopping the Surge of Military Suicides: How to Win This Preventable War
-- Susan Blumenthal, Huffington Post

The Three Hub Navy
-- Information Dissemination

The U.S. and Egypt Sure Look Like Allies, at Least on Military Matters -- Armin Rosen, The Atlantic

What Kind of Military Action Requires Congressional Notification and What Kind Doesn’t -- Jake Tapper, ABC News

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