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» (en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in turbulent times
(en) Palestine-Israel, The joint struggle continue in turbulent times
In addition to the regular locations of struggle the anarchists against the wall combine
forces with the local popular comities of activists: Beit Ommar, Bil'in, Ma'asara, Nebi
Saleh, Ni'ilin, and Qadum, comrades joined additional struggles. Sheikh Jarrah, South of
Hebron Hills, and within Israel: Haifa regional court, Saharonim concentration camp, and
demos against the war mongering. The uncertainty regarding the exploding of the Tycoons
bauble, the economy slump, the war mongering regarding Iran and the scandalous treatment
of the refugees dump a bit the energy of the activists. The continuous and escalating of
transfer efforts of Palestinians farmers in the main targets of Jordan valley, South of
Hebron Hills and the hoses demolitions result in may minutes of felt helplessness.
Beit Ommar
Saturday September 1st weekly protest
Friday, weekly demonstration 31.08.2012 in solidarity with Rachel Corrie.
By: Rani Abdel Fatah:
?"31-8-2012 On-going resistance in Bil'in Dozens of citizens and international activists
were suffocated in Bil'in weekly march Dozens of protesters were suffocated after inhaling
tear gas in Bil'in weekly march organized by the Popular Committee Against the Wall and
Settlements. The march comes in solidarity with the family of Rachel Corrie in the ninth
anniversary of her assassination by Israeli occupation soldiers in Gaza. The march
included the participation of inhabitants of Bil'in, a British delegation included the
current member of the British Parliament Mr, John Lazman and Mr, Martin Linton who was a
former Parliament Member and also he was the head of the British labor party, in addition
to dozens of Israeli and foreigner peace activists. The march began after Friday prayers
from the center of the village toward the apartheid wall, participants raised Palestinian
flags , pictures of the martyr Rachel Corrie, and they called on Palestinians to remain
faithful of national constants, resisting the Israeli occupation ,demolition the apartheid
wall and the liberation of Palestinian prisoners. Upon the arrival of the participants to
Abu Lemon's area adjacent to the wall, the Israeli soldiers who were situated behind the
concert wall started shooting tear gas, stun grenades, rubber-coated metal bullets, and
they also sprayed waste water mixed with chemical towards demonstrators, which led to the
injury of dozen cases of suffocation, all of them were treated in the field. On other
side, some youths threw stones at the Israeli soldiers Also some members of the popular
committee against the wall and settlements met the British delegation in the friends of
freedom and justice center , they explained for them about Bil?in nonviolence popular
resistance and the Israeli violation against them in eight years. friendsofrani.wordpress.com
http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.4599949679911.331604.1327358013 "
Friday weekly demonstration against the Separation Wall Palestinian, internationals and
Israelis participated this week in the demonstration of Ma?sara to protest the occupation
and the construction of the segregation wall on the land of the village.
A Palestinian child challenges a heavily armed Israeli soldier at a weekly demonstration...
Nabi Saleh
"The following week after Nabi Saleh mother and activist was ripped from her daughter's
arms, this Friday Palestinians from all over the west bank came to show their support to
the village. For the army, nothing has changed. This is the law in these parts. Artists,
you can take a stand against it. Cancel your show in Israel!"
The weekly Friday demonstration in Nabi Saleh commemorating Rachel Corrie was met with
violence by the Israeli military. Soldiers used tear gas, rubber coated steel bullets,
skunk water and live ammunition as they attempted to suppress protesters.
Breaking news: reports from activists in Nabi Saleh that a Palestinian youth has been shot
in the stomach with live ammunition. He has been evacuated by ambulance.
?5 arrested in Nabi Saleh so far, amongst them, local cameraman, Bilal Tamimi. Meanwhile?
Bil'in, popular committee leader, Muhammad Khatib who participated, got arrested.
Palestinian youth shot with live ammunition through the hand. Bullet also pieced his
stomach. He was eventually evacuated to hospital, after the Israeli military had detained
his ambulance for sometime at the entrance of the village. He was reported to be conscious
when arrived at the hospital and in "moderate" condition.
Haim Schwarczenberg
Struggle Against Apartheid wall 31-9-2012
By: hassan daboos
Kufr Qaddom
Jawad Siyam http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.103695329708491.5060.100002040732346
Sheikh Jarrah
The residents of Sheikh Jarrah are continuing their protest vigils in the neighborhood
every Friday, protesting their violent evictions from their homes, the taking over of the
neighborhood by the settlers, and the Judaization of East Jerusalem. They call upon each
and every person who supports their struggle to join them.
Please make the effort and join them this Friday, August 31, for a vigil in support of
their struggle. Please notice, the vigils will start a 4:00 PM We will meet at the Sheikh
Jarrah Garden, Nablus Road and Dahlmann St.
South of Hebron Hills
Solidarity with what Israel claim to be "fire zone 918"
Solidarity Visit in the Villages Slated for Demolition in the South Hebron Hills ("Firing
Zone 918").
The residents of the villages, together with the activists and groups active in the area,
invite you to a solidarity visit in the villages which stand in immediate danger of
demolition by the Israeli army and its "Civil Administration." The Israeli Minister of
Defense, Ehud Barak, recently gave orders to destroy eight Palestinian villages in the
South Hebron Hills and to expel from their lands the 1,500 residents of the area. The
residents are defined, in the Minister's statement, as "squatters on Firing Zone 918."
This definition blatantly ignores historical documentation which proves that these
villages have existed for hundreds of years. "Firing Zone 918," on which the army is
demanding it be able to train so as to "preserve the necessary competence of the IDF's
forces," encompasses 30,000 dunams (over 7,000 acres) in the South Hebron Hills, including
privately owned land and farming areas. Under the interim agreement that followed tho Oslo
Accord and that was signed in 1995 60.2% of the West Bank is defined as "Area C,"
meaning that it is under complete Israeli civil and military control (this agreement was
supposed to expire within five years from its signing). The Israeli Government has since
pursued a consistent policy in Area C aimed at deepening the permanent Israeli control
over the area and to minimize the ability of Palestinians to live in it . This policy is
implemented through a number of different methods: confiscation of lands via unilateral
declarations of "State Land", "National Parks" and "Special Security Zones"; through the
non-provision of building permits (over 95% of the applications for permits filed by
Palestinians between 2000 and 2009 were denied), the subsequent demolition of houses and
structures built without permits,` through the intentional lack of master plans for the
area (which enables Israel to decide and declare virtually anything as an "illegal
structure"), and, of course, through closing areas declared as "Army Training Areas" or
"Firing Zones." About 18% of the West Bank has been declared closed "Firing Zones." The
existence of Israel's regime of separation and discrimination is nothing new for the South
Hebron Hills or for Palestinians living in Area C in general. At the same time that this
threat of demolition hangs over the heads of these eight villages, and others in the area,
including Susiya, dozens of settlement outposts are being constructed and established in
the same area, without hindrance.
The threat of eviction has hung over these eight villages since 1999. Their fate is to be
decided now!
On August 31 we will go on a solidarity visit in some of the villages slated for
demolition. come show support, ask questions, and see for yourself the villages which
Israel's government and army intend to erase.
For details, and to register (NOTE: Clicking Attend on Facebook is Not Enough):
Lior Ben Eliahu http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.3473939978241.165361.1563442697
Haifa regional court
Israeli court rules that state was not at fault in. Rachel Corrie's death. Just a
reminder, she was ran over by a IOF bulldozer trying to prevent a house demolition. No
justice under apartheid.
Tuesday, Demo outside the courthouse. Judge found Israel's army not responsible, Rachel
Corrie "chose her own death", ISM "abates terrorists"
Saharonim concentration camp
Protest against the internment of refugees, Saharonim prison, Negev Desert, Israel, 31.8.2012
Eritrean refugees and Israeli activists protesting on August 31, 2012, against the
imprisonment without trial of asylum seekers and refugees in a new, massive prison under
construction in the Negev desert.
protest vigil at Saharonim prison, aimed at incarcerating tens of thousands of African
refugees (from Eritrea, Sudan and more) who fled to Israel and who committed the crime of
not being Jewish
Photo by: Yotam Ronen/Activestills.org
No to the war with Iran, against the racist right and hate crimes
* From my blog at: http://ilanisagainstwalls.blogspot.com
See Previous reports about the joint struggles the Anarchists Against the Wall take part
in at the blog
See also: http://awalls.org
Bron : a-infos-en@ainfos.ca