(en) Italy, Statement on the arrest of the anarchist comrades Maximum Edging and Daniela Battistii

We do not enter in the magician's hat ---- Once again, some anarchists were arrested on
charges delusional, a fact that is repeated periodically. Now in the nation's prisons is
over Maximum Edging and his partner Daniela Battisti is under house arrest. ---- The
allegations are ridiculous, the name given to the operation of police stench of fascism,
"Ixodidae" which means brand is exemplary and does not hide the symbolic use of a police
operation aimed at discriminating against those arrested and their role in social
struggles , dall'antifascismo opposition to the construction of TAV and solidarity
expressed and demonstrated the movement in Val Susa. ---- Granted the prominence media
operation, waved as solvers for the success of the investigation an impressive body
control telephone, mail and GPS, which demonstrate a social control by etiolate the old
KGB, to get to a crime of association alone, even without objective evidence against the
accused, is risking years in prison.

These arrests are the confirmation of a trend of social control to prevent any role in the
near future taken by the revolutionary movement, press to support the operation of Digos,
primarily that of the Democratic Party, have turned to pure criminalization of activities
and behaviors can not be controlled , and then to hold up as illegal and criminalize the
most classic patterns of regime propaganda, to try to remove every possible support and
sharing the forms of opposition radicals, anarchists and the revolutionary movement, to
hunt in jail dissent to " the fury of the people. "

We libertarians do not fall into this trap, we continue to affirm our unwillingness to
compromise political and social system based on environmental destruction and social
butchery imposed by the dictatorship of capitalist accumulation, a libertarian communist
society and where are the workers, the working class to choose their own destiny and not
the boards of directors of companies and their servants of the state.

Those arrested our human and political solidarity, we are tired of seeing comrades to be
pulled out of the hat of the magicians of the state and their lives thrown to the wind to
revive the show in front of an audience in the hands of the magicians of a power system
that more and more uses repressive methods against any practice of dissent that is outside
and against the logic of capitalist domination.

Bron :

National Secretariat

Federation of Anarchist Communists

August 31, 2012

Related Link: http://www.fdca.it

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