Darwin (pictures see below), and a Moscow University modern scientist: cited by Prof. Dr. I. Dediu, Director, Research Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development: Charles Darwin, Lamarck J.B., Buffon G., Cuvier G., Goethe J., Haeckel E., Humboldt A., Liebig J., Lorentz K., Tinbergen N., Volterra V., Weismann A., and inter alia, some modern ecologists, e.g. Dr. S.A. Ostroumov and others
Mt Darwin, гора Дарвин:
The list of examples of the individuals - scientists and thinkers - who were cited:
Darwin Ch., Buffon G. – L. L., Cuvier G., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E., Humboldt A., Lamarck J. B., Lorentz K. (Nobelist), Liebig, J. von., Tinbergen N. (Nobelist), Volterra V., Weismann A., and Ostroumov S.A. (Moscow University)
The key words of the paper: Evolution, ecology, landmarks in history of science, biology, bioscience, life science, organisms, biological species,
The reference to the paper:
I. I. Dediu. Istoria integrată a darwinismului şi ecologiei. 150 de ani de la apariţia “Origini speciilor“ de Charles Darwin.- Mediul Ambiant. 6 (48), December, 2009, p. 42-48. (in Moldavian language).
The same reference in English:
I. I. Dediu. Integrated history of Darwinism and ecology. 150 years of the rise of "Origin of Species" by Charles Darwin. - Environment. 2009, No. 6 (48), p.42-48.
Darwin: (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882)
45-year-old (1854):
Darwin: (12 February 1809 – 19 April 1882)
in 1881:
Mt Darwin, гора Дарвин:
The author of the paper: Academician, Prof. Dr. I. I. Dediu, Director, Research Institute for Environment and Sustainable Development,
The website with the paper:
The websites with information of some other examples of citation of modern ecologists, including the scientist of Moscow University:
More than 100 thousand views and reads of these publications on environment science, more than 700 publications, dissertations and institutions cited them.
Authored: Fulbright Award winner, Moscow University scientist, Laureate of Kapitsa Medal for scientific discovery.
More information on citation: in U.S.A., Germany, United Kingdom, Sweden, Norway, France, Italy, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Austria, Spain, Australia, Japan, China, India, Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Turkey, and other countries.
International citing of publications of Dr. S.A. O., Moscow University: citation in USA, Germany, U. K., Netherlands, Sweden, Japan, China, other countries:
environmental science, ecology, evolution, экология, citations, publications, authored, citing, cited, цитирование, Moscow University, citation, Moldova, Moldavian, cited, Academy of Sciences, Introduction to Biochemical Ecology, water quality, ecosystems, Darwin Ch., Buffon G. – L. L., Cuvier G., Goethe J. w., Haeckel E., Humboldt A., Lamarck J. B., Lorentz K. Z. (Nobelist), Liebig, L. von., Tinbergen N. (Nobelist), Volterra V., Weisman A., S.A.Ostroumov