Education Week: Common Core Thrusts Librarians Into Leadership Role
Librarians are so important. I love this article about librarian Kristen Hearne and the hard work she's doing to help teachers and students get what they need to be successful. This education week article calls librarians "a school's secret weapon." A good librarian has always been one of the greatest assets a school can have. Teachers, admins, we're all important, but never underestimate the importance of a great librarian. They deserve our respect and appreciation. IF you've got a great librarian, take a moment right now to say thank you. You may never realize what it will mean.
Google Loses Feedburner.jp Domain (The Latest Sign That Feedburner Is Dying)
IF you've got your feed on feedburner move it now. Many are moving to feedblitz which only costs is you have email subs. My email subscriptions are already over there because they have always had a better mail setup. I had feedburner because I could move my blog anywhere, sadly - I can't move my feed. While traffic may be low - as Google slowly gets rid of their powertools like iGoogle and Feedburner, they are igniting the ire of heavy users of those services and a distrust of Google. Move over Microsoft, there might be a new "man" in town to "stick it to." ;-)
These are complete mini-topics that are a week's worth of activities and lesson plans on each topic for ages 4-11. This pulls together lesson plans, interactive whiteboard resources, and printables and will be helpful for teachers in a tight or who need to quickly emphasize a topic where they know students have problems.
TES iboard: Interactive activity finder
I love this activity finder at TES iBoard. They have more than 700 free activities that you can use with your Interactive white board for ages 4-11. You can search by topic. If you have an interactive whiteboard, you should use this site. A subscription lets you easily share the activities with your pupils and they can access them anywhere without a log on. That is very useful.
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» Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 09/23/2012