Citation of scientific research at Moscow University (Moscow, Russia), in the area of environmental aquatic sciences, ecology, biology - examples
Scientists of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, China, India, Pakistan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Ukraine, and other countries cited publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov (Moscow University) updated November 9, 2013; September 11, 2012
Scientists of USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Spain, Poland, Czech Republic, China, India, Pakistan, Korea, Australia, Brazil, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Ukraine, and other countries cited publications of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov (Moscow University) updated November 9, 2013; September 11, 2012
Citation of scientific research at Moscow University (Moscow, Russia), in the area of environmental aquatic sciences, ecology, biology - examples.
Examples of citing some publications of Dr. S.A.O. at international web-sites: (the material was presented with introductory words of Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme, and Richard Robarts, Director, UNEP GEMS/Water Programme: of citation of the works of this author
Citation in U.S.A., U.K., Australia, Kuwait:
[A paper on aquatic ecology (innovative analysis of the roles of filter-feeders in ecosystems) was well-cited in international literature, including countries as diverse as U.S.A., Australia, Kuwait, U.K. and some others].
Citation in U.K.:
Citation in France:;
Citation in Germany:
Citation in Switzerland:;
Citation in Belgium:;
Citation in Austria:;
Citation in Poland, China, Korea:;
Citation in Japan. Book with Japanese editors. Citation of a Moscow University ecologist, a Fulbright Awardee Dr. S.A.Ostroumov;
Citation in China:
Citation in South America:;
Citation in Brazil:;;
Citation in Belarus:; University. lecture course: Compound Transformation. Citation, of the book Dr. S.A.Ostroumov. 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'.
Citation in Ukraine.;
Citation in Hong Kong: HKUST Library Blog cited the blog post on S.Ostroumov's books:
Citation in Pakistan:
Citation in Saudi Arabia:
FAO site:;GB9721409;
USA, WHOI, MBL (Woods Hole):
USA. Citation. University of Washington, U.S.A.: new recent citation; cited by Prof. David G. Castner, University of Washington:
Prominent U.S. scientist, in his new publication, citation of the book on environmental toxicology of detergents and surfactants, titled 'Biological Effects of Surfactants'.
Bahria University (Karachi, Pakistan), Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology (Pakistan), King Abdul Aziz University (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) cited scientific research at Moscow University (Moscow, Russia).
In Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, scientists cited scientific research at Moscow University. The topic of the research is water quality, water safety.
The paper of scientists of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia:
Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sharif, Afzal Farooq Choudhry, Ahmed Hussain, and Jawad Abdullah Butt.
Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality. - Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (10): 1443-1454, 2012.
Yasmin Nergis, Mughal Sharif, Afzal Farooq Choudhry, Ahmed Hussain, and Jawad Abdullah Butt.
Title of the paper:
Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality.
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, volume 11 (10), pages 1443-1454,
Year: 2012.
Details on the publication:
Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research 11 (10): 1443-1454, 2012;
ISSN 1990-9233;
© IDOSI Publications, 2012;
DOI: 10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2012.11.10.63209.
Corresponding Author: Mughal Sharif, Environmental Research Center, Bahria University, Karachi Campus,
Karach-75260, Pakistan. Tel: +9221-99240002-6(Ext.329).
Impact of Industrial and Sewage Effluents on Karachi Coastal Water and Sediment Quality.
1 Yasmin Nergis, 1 Mughal Sharif, 2 Afzal Farooq Choudhry,
3 Ahmed Hussain and 1 Jawad Abdullah Butt.
Affiliation of the authors:
1 Environmental Research Center Bahria University Karachi Campus, Karachi-75260, Pakistan;
2 Department of Environmental Science, Federal Urdu University of Arts,
Science and Technology, Gulshan-e-Iqbal Campus Karachi-Pakistan;
3 Department of Mechanical Engineering,
King Abdul Aziz University, Rabigh Campus, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia;
KEY WORDS OF THE PAPER: water, water quality, freshwater, biological oxygen demand (BOD), Contamination, Geo-Accumulation, Cd, Pb, Zn, Cr, Hg, cadmium, lead, zinc, chromium, mercury, sewage, pollution, river, heavy metals, Karachi, Harbor, Estuary, effluent, discharge, coast,
The research on water quality and aquatic ecosystems was cited:
In this paper, one of publications of a Fulbright Award winner, Dr. S.A.Ostroumov (Moscow University) on water quality and aquatic ecosystems was cited.
The paper that was cited:
Anthropogenic effects on the biota: towards a new system of principles and criteria for analysis of ecological hazards. - Rivista di Biologia/Biology Forum. 2003. 96: 159-170. [author: Sergei A. Ostroumov, Moscow State University]
Scientists of these institutions cited works (env. science, ecology, biology) of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow University. Updated March 1, 2011:
Kuwait and United Kingdom. Citation of works of ecologist at Moscow University:
Publications on Success in Research at Moscow University. Environm. science, ecology, biology, some examples. Opinion on and rating of some works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature: worldwide.
Opinion on and rating of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov’s works: comments of experts, citation in scientific literature worldwide.
Scholars of these institutions have cited the publications (biology, ecology, environment, water quality) authored by S.A.Ostroumov, Moscow University (examples of those institutions);
citation of publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov, examples, citation in USA, Germany, France, Switzerland, etc.
Brazil. Environmental Science. Citation of Book of Author at Moscow University. Biological Effects of Surfactants.
Citation. Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine.Cited works at Moscow University. Цитирование публикаций МГУ,экология:
Citation.Russia, Italy, China, Poland, Ukraine. Cited works at Moscow University. Цитирование публикаций МГУ, экология:
Poland. Citation of a Russian environmentalist ( Moscow University)
China. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Water quality:
Saudi Arabia. Citation of research at Moscow University. Example: Citation of the book:
World-wide, international citing of publications of Dr. S.A. Ostroumov (Moscow). in USA, Germany, U. K., Sweden, France,
Argentina. Citation of research that was conducted at Moscow University. Ecology, environmental science.
Ukraine: another citation of a Russian ecologist (Fulbright Award recipient), Moscow State University:
Citation in Czech Republic.
Book of Moscow environmentalists, A.V.Yablokov, S.A.Ostroumov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University:
Environmental Science in the libraries worldwide: Cited at libraries-associated sites: Books, publications. Examples
Citation in Asia, Environmental Sci., examples. The publications of an environmentalist of Moscow University were cited:
Citation in China, Environm. Sci. The scientific publications of an environmentalist of Moscow University were cited,
Hong Kong, university HKUST cited Dr.S.Ostroumov’s bibliography, these blog posts. 香港.
Belgium, Netherlands cited, example: book Biological effects of surfactants, author S.A.Ostroumov:
South America. Cited book: Ostroumov S.A. Biological Effects of Surfactants. The Biologist (Lima, Peru). in Spanish.
U.K.: Citation of works of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov in U.K. (on environmental science), examples:
Canada: Citation of works of Dr. S.A.Ostroumov in Canada and other countries (on environmental science), examples:
Citation in Germany of research results of Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples.
Citation in France of research results of Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples.
U.S.A. Citation of research of Russians, Moscow University, area: environmental studies, ecology, biology. Examples.
Citation at university-associated sites. Innovations of Fulbright Awardee cited: sites associated with universities:
Cited at libraries-associated sites:
Key words: environmental science, ecology, biology, library, sites, cited, publications, Moscow University, Harvard, Oxford, Congress, MIT, USA, Canada, France, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Denmark, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Serbia, Turkey, Australia,
World-wide more than 600 papers, institutions cited discoveries, books, articles on environment, Fulbright Awardee.
Russian environmentalists cited at the international web page:
South America. Lima. Santa Fe. Argentina. Cited a Russian environmentalist.