Not you (lol)I mean, I cant recall the last time I asked someone that question.Now, don't get any funny ideas as to my relationship status.
If I was in a relationship it would be inevitable to ask right?Well, sadly enough,I would never bring myself to ask such a question.I wont forget the day Dan(name withheld)asked me this dreaded question.
When I tried to evade it, he dropped a bigger bomb."I know you love me,just say it.You don't have to be ashamed of your feelings"I mean, i was shocked to my bones.I wanted to scream"A few dates and laughing at your dry jokes doesn't mean I love you"I would never love you"instead of telling him how I felt, i just smiled and said,
"Of course I Luv(not love)you".If my feelings at that moment was anything to go by, I would say, I was utterly disgusted that I had been put under such pressure.After trying unsuccessfully to make him realize I didn't love him, I just cut off.(sad but that was the only way out)
Most people argue that ladies are most guilty of this annoying question."Do you love me"?well, I kind of buy into that because I have seen a lot of us make that dreadful mistake,especially when they date a guy for a few weeks or months without hearing thoseabused cherished words.What do you expect him to say?
"No, I dont love you.I'm just using you as a fling? Well, its sad that we enter relationships which we know wasnt built on a foundation of love and mutual respect and miraculously want that person to say the magic words.I cant overstress the stupidity of that question, but I know there's nothing more magical than an unrehearsed "I love you.
If I was in a relationship it would be inevitable to ask right?Well, sadly enough,I would never bring myself to ask such a question.I wont forget the day Dan(name withheld)asked me this dreaded question.
When I tried to evade it, he dropped a bigger bomb."I know you love me,just say it.You don't have to be ashamed of your feelings"I mean, i was shocked to my bones.I wanted to scream"A few dates and laughing at your dry jokes doesn't mean I love you"I would never love you"instead of telling him how I felt, i just smiled and said,
"Of course I Luv(not love)you".If my feelings at that moment was anything to go by, I would say, I was utterly disgusted that I had been put under such pressure.After trying unsuccessfully to make him realize I didn't love him, I just cut off.(sad but that was the only way out)
Most people argue that ladies are most guilty of this annoying question."Do you love me"?well, I kind of buy into that because I have seen a lot of us make that dreadful mistake,especially when they date a guy for a few weeks or months without hearing those
"No, I dont love you.I'm just using you as a fling? Well, its sad that we enter relationships which we know wasnt built on a foundation of love and mutual respect and miraculously want that person to say the magic words.I cant overstress the stupidity of that question, but I know there's nothing more magical than an unrehearsed "I love you.