Wiggle spent a day at the vets this week. Earlier last week, I had found a lump on Wiggle, on his back end, next to the base of his tail. For a couple of days, I just kept on checking but towards the end of the week, the lump was still there so Wiggle went to see Malcolm the vet. Wiggle was lifted up on the table and was very good as he doesn't usually go up on the examination table.
After a thorough check over and finding that Wiggle's lymph glands were up, Malcolm said that to be sure that the lump wasn't something to worry about, Wiggle should go to the hospital for a day for sedation and fine needle aspirations to be done.
So on Wednesday this week, after missing out on breakfast, Wiggle went to the animal hospital for his sedation and tests. While he was sedated, a small lump on Wiggle's elbow was also checked, although it was been there for years and never changed. Biopsies were also taken from Wiggle's lymph glands and the samples sent off to the lab for testing. I was able to bring him home later in the afternoon and he was a bit wobbly and woozy, but Sofy's enthusiastic welcome must have cheered him up and she was sitting by him, checking he was ok.
Sleepy Wiggle, with 4 shaved patches!
Wiggle had a quiet evening on Wednesday, a light supper of chicken and rice and a short walk but by yesterday morning, he was back to his usual happy self.
Yesterday afternoon, Malcolm rang with the lab results and I am very, very relieved to say the the tests showed "fatty tissue samples" and that the enlarged lymph glands were due to Wiggle being a "very allergic dog". Having lost Bumpy Jake to cancer back in 2008 and before I even knew Wiggle, I was worrying that the lumps on Wiggle were going to be something nasty, but thankfully, he's fine. Bald in four places, but he's fine, and thats all that matters....