Our $5 Yard Sale Table and Chairs

For four years I have been on the hunt for a little table and chairs. I really wanted a set when I was pregnant with Lillie but couldn't find one I liked that wasn't terribly expensive. Then I forgot about it for a while and then would remember and start looking on Craiglist and in consignment shops and then when nothing turned up would forget again for a while and so it went. Well, one day while we were up in NH we were headed on one of the narrow, winding roads from my parents house to my grandfather's and I excitedly yelled and turned the car around because I thought I spotted a set at a yard sale. Sure enough, there was a little set and the lady said it was $5. I'll be honest I didn't think there was any chance we were going to be able to get it back to VA with us seeing how our car was jam packed on the ride up there, and we already had several a few new things to bring back, but I couldn't pass up $5. (Actually, I didn't have any cash on me so technically my mom was the one that actually paid the $5 - haha!) It took quite a bit of packing and repacking but we got them in. Now, I have to say the table was not in great shape, but it was sturdy. Even painted, I wouldn't say it's my favorite thing ever, and the chairs are a bit boxy for my taste, but it is an improvement and the girls LOVE it. They've been eating breakfast and lunch there every day and have spent hours and hours doing their little projects at it.

It took quite a while to get all the lovely stickers off the top - that was fun! =)

This wasn't originally where I planned on putting it but it's where it fit best.

I hope you have a wonderful day! I'll be back tomorrow.

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