Management Restructuring

As mentioned in last week's AASWOMEN, the time has come for me to step down from the CSWA and make room for new blood.

I'd say I'm doing it to "spend more time with my family" but that's not really true. (Why this phrase is a euphemism for "I was fired" merits it's own discussion, but not here!) It's simply that the end of my second three-year term has come up, and I'm become too busy in other areas of my life to give the attention to the CSWA that it deserves.

I started this blog back in 2008 as a way for the CSWA to reach a wider audience. It grew out of my own efforts at keeping a personal blog, which was fun and rewarding, at least at the time. Fast forward to 2012, and I'm not finding the time to blog anymore. Part of that is simply being busy, but I've always been busy. Part of it is also that I have more to blog about when I'm feeling dissatisfied, and now that I have a tenure-track job, I am a lot more happy with life.

Stepping down from the CSWA means that I will be stepping down from the Blogger-in-Chief role, although I will still be contributing to the blog regularly. I'll be leaving management of the blog in the capable hands of Laura Trouille. We have plans for a fresh rotation of regular and guest bloggers, whose posts I'm really looking forward to reading. We are still trying out ways to get our message out via new media, such as on Facebook and Twitter. If you have other suggestions on how to reach out to people, do let us know!

I've had a wonderful time serving on the CSWA for the last six years. It's been a great experience. I learned a lot about issues facing women in astronomy, and did my best to educate others about those issues, too. It's been great meeting people at conferences who recognize me for my work on the CSWA. Please keep saying 'hi'!

-Hannah Jang-Condell

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