History, evolution, and the most important steps in science. Top accomplishments in 21st and 20th centuries, in environmental sciences (including earth science, aquatic science), and life science

History, evolution, and the most important steps in science. 

Top accomplishments in 21st and 20th centuries, in environmental sciences (including earth science, aquatic science), and life science - selected:


This is a subjective view on the history and development of science. It   is not a review. It is understandable that it is not possible to cover the development of the broad area of science during 200 years in a short blog post.

See more detail, and the short list of achievements:

Also see the blog on this paper:
Ecology and the theory of evolution . On #history of #biology . #science_development http://5bio5.blogspot.com/2012/12/publication-on-history-of-biology.html

(to be continued, updated, new additions will be made almost every day)

KEY WORDS, TAGS: TOP, DISCOVERIES, achievements, innovations, results, accomplishments, publications, papers, books, paradigm shift, breakthrough, new steps, best,  environmental sciences, earth science, aquatic science, geoscience, biology, history of science, key works,

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