A short but nice 15 mile sail to another beautiful anchorage. Left after lunch and arrived early enough to enjoy a swim.
Wow, beautiful water again and lots of fish…
Re anchored a few times to avoid the local daytrippers and ended up anchoring a BIT too close to the reef for comfort ( I ended up sitting up at 5am with my torch shining on the rocks and wondering if we had enough swinging room) Its definitely an art to pick the right place to drop the anchor. Too far out and the swell and wind can be uncomfortable, too close in and you end up not sleeping well worrying about a lee shore, anchor dragging etc. Or the wind changes and you wonder if you have enough depth for the 50 meter radius Sephina needs to swing around. OK so you know the forecast is for Southerlies all night, but what happens when the forecast is wrong or the wind drops and the currents take over, yep you guessed it, I end up sitting up waiting for the sunrise with my trusty torch, occasionally turning on the navigation instruments to check the depth, wind, current vessel position etc. etc.
There were a few jellyfish blowing in in the morning so we didnt’t stick around for a swim and headed off to the next Anchorage, just short of Cartagena. We are planning on staying in the marina there for a few days to explore, re-supply, wash Sephina and take a few days off sailing.