Earth, wind and ancient as mankind.

Fire is burning from bellow and the pots are within this oven assuming their eternity...

I prefer the bell shaped ones as above but Dyckias love both shapes.

Some said mankind and pottery were born altogether....
Clay, air, water, fire.
Pottery fascinates me!
It is alive!

Fire. as millions of years what we know as civilization 
was born close to a fire..... 

My pots are there, burning.... 
They will be bell shaped and Dyckias will love to live  on them.

The potter man Paulinho...
The lady in rose and sandals is a cousin of mine and one of the most 
wonderful creatures on Earth: Marly. She plays the piano, makes clay treasures with the shape of small houses, speaks English, Portuguese and German, cooks like nobody, travelled the world...and I love her.

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