August 9, 2012

White Dog barked protectively and jumped down to go to Quinn's side in response to his woof of distress. The rest of the White Dog Army was instantly on alert and milled around Steve as he went to investigate.

The Other White Dog has been having an unusually rough week with his seizures and his leg weakness (an offshoot of what is going on neurologically). Today, his back legs would barely support him and he spent much of the day splayed on his belly. He has been manic with darting eye movements and muscle spasms. His mood has been fearful and disassociated.

Fortunately, TOWD has spent the better part of the day sleeping. My conversation with Dr. Julia resulted in switching up some of his medication. He is to see her Friday afternoon for a look-see and a laser treatment. In the meantime, we are all working very hard to make sure our sweet gentle boy stays calm and feels secure.

Steve found Quinn in the bathroom. In his quest to feel safe, TOWD had managed to get himself trapped between the toilet and the bathtub. He had pushed his way trying, we think, to nestle in behind the commode, and found himself in a position where he could not go forward and his legs did not have the strength to go back.

Steve held him by his harness, supporting Quinn's weight, as he guided him backward and to freedom. Then together, they walked into the office and settled into one of Quinn's favorite spots. Steve sat there with him, stroking his side and reassuring. The WDA, ever a source of amazement to me, one-by-one walked past White Dog's watchful eye as she sat next to Steve and arrayed themselves, not too close for they seemed to understand the Quinn did not need to be crowded, to form a protective circle around him. Then each quietly laid down and rested. Their calm even breathing seemed to imbue TOWD with a sense of well-being and soon he, too, slept.

And that is the way, I found the WDA before dawn when I peeked in to check on them...Quinn sleeping deeply surrounded by a circle of five spirit dogs to keep out the demons.

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