Anxiety Update

First I want to say thanks to all the support and help I got from everyone over the past two weeks.  It was a really hard time for me and I couldn't have done it without all the help.   I am back home now and things are going better.  The anxiety comes and goes but I am learning to not let it control my life.  Basically I am learning that if I give in to the anxiety and sit in bed and cry all day then it will get stronger.  But if I try to live my normal life and kind of push through the anxiety then it will lose strength and go away.  Or maybe not go away, but at least it will get put in the background of my life just like a person normally experiences anxiety.  Does that make sense to everyone?  It is new to me but that is my basic understanding of it at this point.

I think being sick just felt like too much to handle and I got really scared that I wasn't going to get better or that after I got better I would just get sick again.  It is strange how it just kind of took over my life.  Anyway, so I am back to blogging and taking care of the kids and house.  Thanks for being patient with me.

Regardless of all this it was nice to get to spend extra time with my parents and some siblings.  Two of my brothers are going to college in a couple weeks so it was good to see them extra before they left.

My parents are planning on moving after my dad retires so that means it is time for them to fix up the house.  While I was there they got a new roof and started painting.  I had no idea how long it takes to paint a house without spraying it.  Good luck to them.
 Tucker even helped a little.

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