The Face Of Syria's Civil War

Worrying: A young Syrian boy holding a Kalashnikov is comforted by a rebel during fighting with government forces on the outskirts of Homs

Terror Of A Boy Soldier: Kalashnikov-Toting Child Cries As He Witnesses The Full Horror Of Syria's Bloody Civil War -- Daily Mail

* Image shows boy of about ten crying out during fierce battle near Homs
* It emerges as President Bashar al-Assad claims he has the support of his people
* Assad contrasts himself with the late Shah of Iran who was toppled by the Islamic Revolution in 1979
* He also tells a Turkish daily newspaper that Syria is under attack from Islamist militants
* 'I am still standing thanks to my people ... Why should I kill the people who stand by me?' claims the 46-year-old leader

Since Syria's bloody uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began last year, there have been many images of death and destruction which have angered the world.

But few have highlighted how destructive the conflict is on the divided country than this.

With his face contorted in pain, a young Syrian boy holding a Kalashnikov is comforted by a rebel fighter during a battle with government forces on the outskirts of the battered city of Homs.

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My Comment: There are many things that I hate about war .... rape and sexual violence, permanent injuries (both mental and physical), torture and murder, indiscriminate killings ... and worse. But when I see children taking up arms that is when I know that civilization is lost.

Message to the dictator of Syria .... when children are taking up arms and shooting at your soldiers .... and your own senior generals are defecting .... that is the time to leave.

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