Open Access Journal: HIPHIL

[First posted in AWOL 3 November 2009. Updated 27 February 2014]

ISSN: 1603-6565
Hiphil is a peer-reviewed academic journal on Old Testament Hebrew Bible Theology, Interpretation, Poetics, History, Interactivity, and Linguistics with particular emphasis on bridging the gap between the ancient authors and modern readers.

Articles in Hiphil set directions for new and creative evangelical interpretation in a postmodern world. Hiphil authors expertly guide readers toward well researched applications that avoid trivializing either the biblical text or the challenges for expressing their meanings today. Articles in Hiphil are already indexed in the RAMBI and BILDI databases. The journal is archived by the Royal Danish Library. Access to Hiphil material is free and it is possible to subscribe to a notification service on new additions to Hiphil.

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