old and unusual vehicles that are getting emailed around this week

 I believe the above is a bread delivery truck... must be successful to afford the coachwork!
 very elegant tour coach tram... this would not be good in any area with weather, but terrific for Southern California... all we get is sun from March to December.. yes, I am bragging. It's expensive too.
 the above... is EARLY! 1890's? I think! Victorian to Edwardian for sure

 one tiny tracked tourer
 Movie studio lot transport? Tourist carrier?
 She must be in incredible muscular shape to push pull that cycle
 No notes with this email of photos to indicate why two images of this cycle car are here, it's the same motorcycle rear, and I guess the front is the same, but at a later time, when he added headlights and the trunk on the roof

 An orient buckboard above
Thanks to commentor Boonie, the above people carrier is identified as a Lister Auto Truck, and a website link I am grateful for was offered that displays a great number of images that demonstrate a variety of these small industrial motorized service craft used in the 1920's and 1930's  http://www.autotruck.org/apps/photos/album.jsp?albumID=3840394  and below is a better look at one

Another reminder that there is always more wheeled machines that I've never seen or heard of to discover! 
 I've posted about this motorwheel http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/search?q=dynasphere it's the Dynasphere of Dr Purve
it was too big to be able to turn when needed... 

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