New discoveries led to Environmental EDUCATION innovations

Environmental EDUCATION innovations:
New discoveries led to Environmental EDUCATION innovations :
In English:

A series of publications of a Fulbright Award winner, Dr. S. Ostroumov, provide fresh material - facts and ideas. These publications help to update environmental education at universities.

The discoveries made by this author, and the new factual data generated have a proved innovative potential. These publications can be  a refreshing addition to many lecture courses and educational seminars. The subjects of the lecture courses include:
Environmental monitoring;
Environmental sciences ;
Environmental studies ;
Environmental chemistry ;
Environmental toxicology ;
Environmental ethics ;
Environmental protection ;
Environmental conservation ;
Environmental policy ;
Environmental management ;
Environmental engineering ;
Ecology ;
Aquatic science;
Sustainability ;
Biotechnology ;
Limnology ;
Zoology ;
Pollution ;
Water quality ;
Biosphere ;
Aquatic bioresources ;
Biodiversity conservation ;
Conservation biology ;
Biochemical ecology ;
Chemical ecology ;
Ecological chemistry ;
Bioassay ;
Assessment of environmental hazards ;
Man-made effects ;
Anthropogenic impact ;
Natural resources ;
Eco-ethics ;
Nanomaterials ;
Nanoscience ;
Biogeochemistry ;
Geochemistry ;
Phytotechnology ;
Phytoremediation ;
Aquatic ecosystems ;
Biological oceanography ;
Water resources ;
Water pollution ;
Organic pollutants ;
Soil, water and air pollution ;
Inorganic pollutants ;
Applied ecology ;
Xenobiology ;
Xenobiotics ;
Invertebrates ;
Freshwater biology ;
Marine biology ;
Plant-animal interactions ;
Conservation of nature ;
Hydrobiology ;
Aquatic ecology ;
Biotesting ;
Phytotest ;
Plant biology ;
Biotransformation ;
Global change ;
Interations among organisms ;
Toxicology of environment ;
Protected areas ;

Examples of usefulness of the publications of this author to modernize education  see on sites:

Useful Internet sites:

Some of Dr. S. Ostroumov’s scientific results were used in lectures delivered to university students in the U.S.A., Germany, Netherlands, and other countries. More detail on how Dr. S. Ostroumov’s publications are being used to modernize education:

The book was published a while ago, however it is useful now: an absolutely new and efficient conceptualization was introduced in this book to organize the broad range of facts on man-made impact. This new method gave a unique result: the non-scientific issues of nature conservation were transformed into well-structured scientific material. In turn, it gives unique and excellent opportunities to teach students using this book. The book is useful in teaching such subjects as: nature conservation, biodiversity protection, global change, environmental sciences, environmental studies, anthropogenic impact, biospheric sciences, bioresources, sustainable use of biological resources, ecological ethics, environmental safety, etc.
This book was acquired by many libraries worldwide:
Libraries in Australia that acquired the book: Conservation of living nature and resources: problems, trends and prospects /​ A.V. Yablokov, S.A. Ostroumov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow State University):
Books and other publications of Dr. S.A.O. in: The U.S.A., Harvard University, and some other institutions:     ;
Books and other publications of Dr. S.A.O. in: The U.S.A., Library of Massachusetts Institute of Technology   (MIT):     ;
Books and other publications of Dr. S.A.O. in: U.S.A., Stanford University ;
Books and other publications of Dr. S.A.O. in: U.S.A., University of California, and other universities     
Books and other publications of Dr. S.A.O. in: U.S.A., Caltech (California Institute of Technology)        See:;
COUNTRIES WORLDWIDE: Availability of the books authored by Dr. S.A.O.: The libraries of a number of countries worldwide acquired the books, have the publications (ecology, environment, biology) by Dr. S. Ostroumov: Ecology, Biology, Environmental Sciences in the libraries of Europe, North America, Asia, Australia, Africa: Denmark, USA, Canada, France, Switzerland, Japan, China, Korea, Belgium, Czech Republic, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Slovakia, United Kingdom, Finland, Poland, Serbia, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Netherlands, Singapore, South Africa, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and others:;
List of MOST POPULAR WEB-SITES: environment science, ecology   4.7.2012
18  items: KEY INNOVATIONS, DISCOVERIES, in ecology, environmental sciences, biology (this is a list of selected publications that contain new discoveries in key areas of environmental and life sciences). Improving water quality, sustainability, environment safety:
innovative BOOK ON ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY of detergents, surfactants:

More sites, informative and popular with Internet users:

Modernization of criteria to identify environmental hazards:


Most popular, statistics of the month:

List of useful bibliography, texts online:

Most popular, statistics of the day:

In Spanish:

In French:

In Japanese:

In Chinese:

Useful bibliography, in English and Russian:
Examples of citation of the works of this author
Citation in U.S.A., U.K., AUSTRALIA, KUWAIT:
[A paper on aquatic ecology (innovative analysis of  the  roles of filter-feeders in ecosystems) was well-cited in international literature, including countries as diverse as U.S.A., Australia, Kuwait, U.K. and some others].

Citation in U.K.:;
Citation in FRANCE:;
Citation in GERMANY:;
Citation in SWITZERLAND:;
Citation in BELGIUM:;

Citation in POLAND, CHINA, KOREA:;
Citation in JAPAN. Book with Japanese editors. Citation of a Moscow University ecologist, a Fulbright Awardee Dr. S.A.Ostroumov;
Citation in CHINA:
Citation in SOUTH AMERICA:;
Citation in BRAZIL:;;
Citation in BELARUS:; University. lecture course: Compound Transformation. Citation,  of the book Dr. S.A.Ostroumov. 'Introduction to Biochemical Ecology'.
Citation in UKRAINE.;
Institutions worldwide cited:

More about citation:


National Library of Australia:
Revolution, discoveries, 18 innovations in ecology, environmental science. Fulbright Awardee
About the author (Dr. S.A.O., Fulbright Award winner):
Citation of this author:

Key words: environmental education, éducation à l'environnement, Umwelterziehung, educación ambiental, la educación de l'environnement, 环境教育, 環境教育,환경 교육, web-sites, environment science, ecology, sustainability,  络站点,环境科学,生态学, ウェブサイトでは、環境科学、生態学, Web-Seiten, Umwelt Wissenschaft, Ökologie,

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