New control of eutrophication

New control of eutrophication

Innovative scientific paper:
Ostroumov S.A. The Synecological Approach to the Problem of Eutrophication. - Doklady Biological Sciences, Vol. 381, 2001, p. 559–562. 3 Tables. Bibliogr. 15 refs. (Translated from Doklady Akademii Nauk, 2001, Vol. 381, No. 5, pp. 709–712). ISSN 0012-4966.; Distributed by Springer,
Innovative component of this paper and the author's new conceptualization:
A new idea: the author suggests a new component of the measures against eutrophication: reducing the input of the pollutants that weaken the potential of the filter-feeders for removing algae. A new approach to combat eutrophication. 
According to the author, in healthy ecosystems the activity of filter-feeders (who remove phytoplankton from water column) is high enough to keep the level (the abundance ) of phytoplankton under control. As soon as some pollutants that enter the aquatic medium decrease the filtration rate of filter-feeders, the rate of removal of phtoplankton also decreases. As a result, the level of phytoplankton increases. The increase in phytoplankton may reach the level that create the eutrophication of the aquatic ecosystem. Of course, it is not a sole reason for eutrophication. However this factor may contribute to a degree.
On this reason, the information on whether man-made chemical pollutants can decrease the filtration rate of filter-feeders is very important. The author reports new data on how synthetic chemicals (surfactants) decrease the filtration rate of bivalves. In a series of his other publications, he reported similar data.

Among new facts discovered and reported in this paper: the liquid detergent Fairy 2 mg/L inhibited water filtration by bivalve filter-feeders, mollusks  within 2-23 min after addition.
This fact complemented a large amount of similar facts discovered by this author. In sum, they made him formulate his new theory on  the factors contributing to eutrophication, and on how to combat eutrophication.

***DOI 10.1023/A:1013378505630.;;;;

*** Full text:
Russian version:
С.А. Остроумов (МГУ им. М.В.Ломоносова)
Синэкологические основы решения проблемы эвтрофирования // ДАН. 2001.  Т.381 №5. C.709-712. 3 табл. Библ.15 назв. [Представлено академиком  М.Е. Виноградовым.] Предложен новый подход к борьбе с эвтрофированием. Среди полученных новых фактов: жидкий детергент Fairy 2 мг/л снижал фильтрацию воды мидиями Mytilus galloprovincialis сразу после добавления (инкубация  2 - 23 мин, 22.5ºС)]. [=Synecological basis for the solution of the problem of eutrophication. DAN. 2001. Vol. 381. No. 5. P. 709-712]. [a new approach to prevent eutrophication].;

About the author (Dr. S.A.O., Fulbright Award winner):
Citation of this author:
Список публикаций 15.7.2012:
(МГУ, Остроумов Сергей Андреевич, доктор биологических наук)

key words:

mussels, Mytilus galloprovincialis, new, control, eutrophication, preventing, filtration, filter-feeders, bivalves, phytoplankton, detergent, surfactants, toxicant, pollutants

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