So as many of you know, I am one of the co-curators of the recurring show Girl Talk: A Trans and Cis Woman Dialogue. I just received the following post from Gina de Vries (also a Girl Talk co-curator) that may interest some of you:
BAY AREA GIRL TALK FANS! Are you free this Sunday? Do you wanna help Girl Talk make lots of money for our 2013 show? Volunteer on Girl Talk's behalf at Up Your Alley (aka The Dore Alley Street Fair). Every Girl Talk-related volunteer equals $100 for Girl Talk -- which equals AWESOME, duh! Please contact Kevin Seaman at the Queer Cultural Center at for more info. Say you are with GIRL TALK & that you wanna volunteer on our behalf. Please DO NOT contact me, Julia, or Rose about it, as 2/3 of us are out of town, and anyway, Kevin is in charge of everything Up Your Alley fundraising related & can answer yr questions way better than any of us. Bless you & thank you & PLEASE spread the word! (Also, sorry for the late announcement -- I have been on writing retreat & only found out about this today.)
so if any of you are planning on being at Dore Alley & are interested in volunteering on behalf of Girl Talk, please contact Kevin at the above email address - we'd really appreciate it!
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» going to Dore Alley Street Fair? consider volunteering on behalf of Girl Talk!