A project of free and independent A libertarian and anarchist organizations ---- To the
people in struggle ---- We have called this talk because, as we consider relevant
anarchist movement to make public some of our positions, but we also need to express our
total and complete solidarity with those who are in jail in prisons around the world by
ideology in general and in particular our fellow anarchist Mario Lopez, the last held by
the Mexican State, the latter figure attached to large lists of political prisoner in this
country. ---- First, we must define some of our positions to those who, for a long time
refused to hear anything that does not suit their profits and are blind to the obvious
social, economic and political, but also to those who, handled information and make it
appear to anarchism as a synonym for chaos and destruction.
We believe that the basis on which rests the current normalcy of things, is based on two
false issues and inseparable, both driving principle of violence toward individuals,
communities and peoples alike. On the one hand is the fit of our political ability to
decide how we live and how, rapture that is disguised under an alleged will and consensus
of those who, underneath, appear as governed, but in reality it is a form extreme violence
against life by those who consider themselves owners and masters of politics known as
"political class" - and also lords of force, forming a whole called State. This imposing
separation between rulers and ruled, based on false and repugnant democratic system, which
seeks to upgrade every six years in this country. So we, the anarchists do not participate
in these farces and not give our vote our right to decide about ourselves. So also our
friend Mario is not in any sense, a supporter of the Movement # I am 132, for among other
things, we consider it as reformist, legalistic and alien to what we believe, want and
build. What the prosecutors and police officers testified about the bracelet I'm # 132,
which according to Mario carrying, is but the first signs of mounting construction from
the detention of our colleague, that we suppose they wanted to take advantage as political
spoils because it was made five days before the election expected insults and changing
local and national executioners.
The other main basis of this system is what makes the fit of our ability to produce and
reproduce our goods needed, is the legitimate private property and divides society between
the haves and have-nots. We believe in short, as I said Pierre J. Proudhon in 1840 that
the property is just a robbery. Theft, which of course is in the form of violence by the
owners, and then appointed as a legitimate title. This theft primal, is what would after
the now dispossessed had no choice but to sell their unique and important workforce.
These two bases, shape the modern capitalist system, as we saw is worth the use of
violence, rage and strength to be justified then in terms of legal, right and normal.
However, the capitalist system whenever it is updated and extreme violence. For us this
means the exploitation of workers, whether the field or the city, but despite devote
himself to work, enjoy no luxury and survive on less than the basics, and suffer hunger
and to work under conditions of constant danger, is also reflected in the thousands of
people who have to pay rent to live under a roof or failing that, sleeping in the streets
in the thousands of others who have to migrate from their places of origin to get an
operator and receive a miserable salary, in the thousands also die from lack of care daily
from curable diseases and lower in others thousands who can not read or write because
since childhood they were denied education, in those who are driven to perform work
unworthy to live, in those who suffer the fury of their homes and farmland for the
construction of new roads or shopping centers that are sure to never use, in whom, as the
Indians are denied the right to be whatever they want to, to identify and organize under
and by their means or are denied the space of social and cultural reproduction such as
wirarika town, in those who make war their daily lives, as is the case for almost the
entire population of the north of this country that is among the power struggles and
violence among drug traffickers and the government, and we can put thousands of examples
of this and all latitudes in the world, none have completely escaped this system of
domination. In short, for us this system is primarily a settled form of direct violence
against humans cluster that 80% of the world population that is neither the political
class or the bourgeoisie.
There is the violence. This is the true attack on peace.
All this is done by creating and / or use of institutions and social and cultural values ?
?that make the gear to work and revitalize small and large scale. Institutions such as
schools, hospitals, patriarchy, prisons, family, all are aimed at building mechanisms of
power and domination in different degrees. That is also why we declare ourselves not only
against the state and capital, visible heads of domination and exploitation, but and all
forms of power, authority and domination, fighting every day to an end, confronting not
only the public life but to the private, everyday. That is also why we have never sought
the conquest of power, of sovereignty, but the construction of autonomy, of emancipation
and power relations based on equality and horizontality.
That's why we set ourselves as anarchists in other ways to understand and build our lives
to unjustifiable and atrocious selfishness, we propose mutual support among peers, with
its increasingly hierarchical society, we propose equality and fraternity to governmental
or associative mediation, we propose direct action, that is, do what we want for our own
without intermediaries; to his false peace and social democratic, unmask their war against
the social fragmentation, we propose voluntary associations, with their verticality and
horizontality, with its violence, self-defense referred to in the organization and
construction of alternative livelihoods for the recovery of our independence and a
dignified life, without masters, no gods.
Hence, this act is sample of one of the fundamental principles of our struggle:
solidarity. We contemplate that solidarity is the basis, the bowels of any organization
that advocates for freedom. So, recognizing Mario Lopez as an anarchist, we have done
nothing but sympathize with him and that means, fight for their liberation, to be with him
and his family as we can, because for us solidarity is not just a slogan provides a
revolutionary status, but is an ethical principle that as anarchists we assume with ours,
the exploited, with our peers. We are clear that the judicial system and political
climate, anyone who speak out against their principles is immediately a criminal
hypocrites, therefore, from start to asumirnos as anarchists, we know to be against its
legality. So also distrust the laws that the system itself has done and given under its
benefits, whims and needs. We have seen how, throughout history they are modified and
molded to the ruling classes, we have seen also, sadly, how to lock over and over
thousands of what their terms are called "innocent", thereby destroying their person,
integrity and dignity.
We recognize as well that prison is not at any time a system of social rehabilitation but
a punitive system that uses the power to engender fear, to destroy people, creating
abnormalities, delinquencies, so that, through extreme surveillance, isolation ,
psychological torture and physical abuse end up destroying the humanity of every being.
And that's not something that begins properly within the prison walls, but, as shown in
the case of my friend Mario Lopez starts from the moment you fall into their clutches. Our
colleague was subjected to strong psychological torture, having confessed to being an
anarchist, he served for mounting a variety of inventive without any evidence to support this.
We consider prison as the ultimate monument of hatred of freedom, although we know that
the bars of prisons beyond the prison and are installed in our daily lives, so, there
imprison anyone who challenges the rules, assuming that confinement they'll shut up the
voices of discontent and dissent. Our solidarity is complete with all who protect and
defend the freedom struggle.
As anarchists we aim to defend ourselves from the chains that oppress us and that has led
us to come together as a movement, to speak out in favor of real solidarity and against
the whole system, whom we described as dangerous to desvirtuarnos Vagrancy front to
society and show us as not worthy of being heard, to have credibility. That's what they
did to Gut also said they had drug problems, who was arrested for that on occasion, under
the assumption to believe that this is a dumb drug addict who raves about politics, which
is synonymous with being an anarchist misfit . We, in defense of Mario belie it, some we
know, we know that has never been, nor even legal drugs like alcohol and snuff
consumption. Do not make a mockery of our colleague, we do not make a joke.
As the anarchist movement, we have always been against all power, that it makes any
government to be our enemy, that it does now, we want to make a hunt, based on the alleged
dismantling of a radical organization, which want to look for accomplices and allies,
ties. It is mounting a case, where unfortunately, Mario Lopez works as a scapegoat in
order to undermine our anarchist political stance.
Not the first time the Mexican government mounted cases and accusations against fellow
anarchist and the libertarian movement. Remember the case of arrests at the counter in
Guadalajara in 2004, where the anarchist movement was severely beaten, arrested several of
its members and subject to criminal full of lies, or more recently the case of the
anarchists and Emmanuel Victor Herrera Hernandez, who after being arrested and prosecuted
for participating in marches (one on the memorial of the slaughter of students in
Tlatelolco and the other in the March Against Water Forum IV), were sentenced for crimes
invented by prosecutors.
These arrests, prosecutions and convictions are one more sign that the state take hold of
all their resources to attack the process of organizing people and peoples, because
despite its discourse of democracy and rule of law, are themselves the first to use its
laws to make false accusations. For us it is clear that the State uses these and other
means of support and legitimacy in a society increasingly disillusioned with political
parties and their promises.
We denounce this, not because we believe in the legality of the state, which serves to
maintain control over every aspect of social life and to monitor the population, to ensure
its perpetuation and hegemony, which is based on domination and exploitation of peoples,
but because it is important not to shut up what they are trying to do with our friend
Mario, and to make known and publicly denounce the Federal District Government prepares a
hunt for anarchists using the pretext of the arrest of our colleague and their alleged
connections with other libertarian groups.
We realize that these arrests, police mounts and persecutions are intended to intimidate
us to abandon our struggle for a fairer and freer world, however, declare that in spite of
them, we organize ourselves and we will continue and extend our ideal of freedom, and
Despite the risk of incarceration, continue to express our solidarity with Mario Lopez.
We reject and denounce the intention of the Federal District to mount a case against
anarchism in the arrest of Mario, we know from the manipulation of facts that is happening
in research. We recognize this as an attack assembly of the state against the anarchist
Mario Lopez concerns us, is being attacked by the beast of the system, psychological and
physical attacks it. We know that our colleague continues to resist, despite the gravity
of his situation, has not been defeated. So, we announced that we as anarchist movement in
struggle and make the necessary campaigns for the release of our colleague and prevent the
assembly lies about you follow feeding false and distorted arguments. From here we also
appeal to the solidarity of autonomous anti-capitalist struggle from their ability to
perform actions for the release of Mario Lopez and attend the activities planned for this
week began today with this press conference and continue on Wednesday, 11 July outside the
Hospital Ruben Lenero located behind the Metro Military College at 3 pm and on Friday 13
in the Moorish Kiosk, located in the Alameda-Santa Maria la Ribera, Buenavista-Metro after
12 hours to participate in a political-cultural act in solidarity with Mario Lopez. Also
call on the media and independent organizations to be alert to this situation.
No more, thank you for your assistance.
Freedom Mario Lopez, the gut
Solidarity with anarchist prisoners World
Down the prison walls
Solidarity is the heart of the struggle against the power
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