Corrie weekly awards, July 8 - 13

Off the wagon award: No surprise here. Peter's back on the booze again. When the going gets tough, the tough get drunk and ugly.

Sibling rivalry award: Rob and Carla certainly seem to have had a rocky relationship

Repartee award: Tracy winding Norris up. This could be fun.

Useless Suck Up Twit award: Brian really is clueless. He can't even stand up for a kid being bullied because the bully is related to the school governor.

Are you new here award: Steve... Can't understand why Tracy won't help him out. You spent the last episode or two slagging her off and trying to eject her out of her home without any notice. What do you think?

Restaurant from Hell award: With the collapses, explosions and fights that happen regularly in the Bistro, I'm surprised they have any customers at all.

Fashion fail award: Brian was following safety rules but he did look ludicrous in that bike helmet.

It's All About Me award: Peter interrupts business meetings, conversations, disappearing first on his own and now with Simon, you name it, because his problems are more important than anything else. He doesn't know who he *can* talk to about Leanne taking Simon away? Um. Solicitor?

Reality check award: Peter is finally realizing he made the wrong sacrifice. Simon is more important than anything. Pity he didn't think of that before.

Heart in mouth award: Ken and Leanne thought they might have to identify Peter's body.

Underestimating award: Roy doesn't see that Mary is indeed Doo-lally. Hayley does.

From a Bang to a Whimper: Carla and Peter are over.

From a Whimper to a Bang: Kirsty flew off the handle again.

Lines of the week:
Nick baiting Peter "You should have Victim tattooed across your forehead"
Peter "He's smarmy, and he's smug and he's not bringing up my son!"
Nick to Gail "Battersby's not a swear word" Nick "She's a Barlow now" Gail "They're not much better"
Carla "It's me, me, me" Peter "No, it's Simon, Simon, Simon"
Anna "Here he goes again. The Sage of Weatherfield"
Owen "You've only been back together 5 minutes and he's not long gone off his rocker"
Beth to Tracy "You're the best housemate I ever had" (Really????)
Roy "I know it's easy to dismiss Mary as an eccentric" Hayley "That's probably down to the fact that she's completely doo-lally" (And Roy doesn't see it. Yet.)
Tracy "Hayley in sequins. You all teeth and tight trousers. Yeah, actually, it's put me off me cheese" Norris "Pity, I thought a lump of cheddar might shut you up"
Ken to Peter "You could have chosen to prove me wrong"
Simon "Dad. You're drunk" (And everyone's heart breaks)
Carla "Peter, this is not a conversation, it's a broken record"
Peter "I can see things very clearly lately" (through booze goggles)
Carla "You think you can walk away" Leanne "But you can't"

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