Coronation Street double episode review, 30 July 2012

Maybe some will think that Michelle was a little hasty in ringing the police,but what other course of action could she take? The first scene this evening showed us Ryan lying asleep on the settee. Michelle calls him a 'lazy article' as it's lunchtime and he confesses to having only been up for half an hour. Well. that's no big deal and we've all been young once, so we can let that go. As he reminds us that he's been kicked out of university, he's up to his neck in  debt and he's just started work in the cab office, sympathy begins to wane a little. At least he has a job! .And what's more his mum is going out to buy chips. Steve asks Michelle what's in the bag and she tells him it's two sausage dinners. Amusingly Steve points out that she'll be the size of a house!

And so to the deluded Sunita who's becoming increasingly unlikeable. Her patronising attitude towards Dev is outrageous telling him that, 'We have to be grown up,' and, 'I want no acrimony.' She agrees to joint custody and tells Dev, 'It will get better.'

Real sadness for Gary and Izzie and a deserved word of  praise for Anna, who Owen describes as having, 'a heart bigger than the Mersey,' as she wants to look after the pair of them for a couple of days.
Just a word about Kevin, attempting and failing to 'get down with the kids' by using the now outmoded  word 'wicked' which nevertheless seems to impress Sally when he accepts her invitation to tea.
Kylie was in good form tonight. After confessing to never having read a book in her life, within  Norris' hearing. Using the words 'tome' and 'debacle' Norris points out that there is nothing wrong with being articulate. By contrast, Ryan says he would like to get incoherent. Later, when Michelle catches him in the men's toilets in The Rovers, he tells her, It's cool, everything's cool.' It's a great story-line and it will be interesting to see where the writers take this issue. Rob came into his own, if briefly when he told Ryan to stop being a moron and to give his mother some respect.

On a much lighter note, surely the best line tonight has to be Beth's. 'I lost my virginity in Blackpool; on the ghost train.' OMG!

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