Condoleezza Rice As Mitt Romney's VP Running Mate?

Noonan: Ennui the People -- Peggy Noonan

America is in crisis. Why is the presidential campaign so lifeless?

The 2012 presidential election is unusual. It is a crisis election like 1932 or 1980, with the American people knowing we're at a turning point and knowing that who we pick now really matters. But crisis elections tend to bring drama—a broad sense of excitement and passion. We're not seeing that this year. We're not seeing passionate proclamations from supporters of one candidate or the other that their guy is just right for the moment, their guy is the answer. I'm speaking of the excitement of deep belief: "FDR will save the day." "Reagan will turn it around."

President Obama's supporters don't talk like that, or think it. Neither do most of Mitt Romney's. It's all so subdued.

What is behind the general lack of passion? A theory in two parts:

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My Comment: Media supporters of the Republicans are certainly picking up on this story .... Rush Limbaugh, Drudge Report, Townhall, etc. .While on the other spectrum there is a great deal of discounting and an outlining of reasons on why this will not be a good choice. See (Washington Post).

What's my take .... Peggy Noonan in the above article is right when she says that Condoleezza Rice will add energy into the campaign .... but .... she is not a politician, has never run for an office, and has categorically come out and said she would not accept such a position.

So for me the story is dead .... hmmm .... for now. :)

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