Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- July 19, 2012

Winning control of capital has been the key to victory in the Arab Spring, says Professor Sadiki [Reuters]

Is Syria Facing A Yugoslavia-Style Breakup? -- Tony Karon, Time

Even if the regime loses its grip on growing swaths of territory, the civil war's sectarian dimension could see it opt to retreat into enclaves controlled by its base of Alawite, Christian and non-Sunni support

“This is a situation that is rapidly spinning out of control,” U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said on Wednesday, following the Damascus bombing that lacerated the inner circle of Syrian President Bashar Assad. “And for that reason, it’s extremely important that the international community [has] to bring maximum pressure on Assad to do what’s right — to step down and to allow for that peaceful transition.” Panetta’s concern is understandable, because Syria is no longer under the effective control of the Assad regime, and the outcome of the civil war is moving increasingly beyond the control of the U.S. and its allies or any other international powers.

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Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials

Delaying the Syrian endgame -- Larbi Sadiki, Al Jazeera

Waffling on pushing Syria to the edge -- Washington Post editorial

Syria’s nerve agents -- Washington Post editorial

Syrian Rebels Hone Bomb Skills to Even the Odds -- C.J. Chivers, New York Times

Strike against Syrian regime may mark beginning of the end
-- Martin Chulov, Sydney Morning Herald

This language of war won't help Syria escape its agony
-- Simon Jenkins, The Guardian

Indications Point to Iran in Bulgarian Bombing -- Ulrike Putz, Spiegel Online

Time to dial down Senkakus friction -- michael Richardson, Japan Times

Russia trade and human rights legislation advances, but time running short -- Josh Rogin, The Cable/Foreign Policy

France Suffocates Its Own Industrial Power -- Fabio Rafael Fiallo, Real Clear World

Energy Revolution 3: The New American Century -- Walter Russell Mead, The American Interest

A look at President Barack Obama's inner circle -- ken Thomas, AP