Greetings, meows and purrs to all in the Blog'o'Sphere!
Today I thought I'd share my Garden Safari with you, or as I like to call it 'Kitty Patrol!'
Basil surveying his Kitty Kingdom! |
Our garden is teaming with wildlife, as well as the endless rain right now, but on a beautiful sunny day there's nowhere else I like to be. We have a whole host a creatures and birds. There are: Squirls, Hedgepigs, Mices galore, Flutterbys, Mini Winged Dragons, Ladybugs, Bees and so many diffurrent types of birds or 'Flying Snack Packs' as I like call them, just to name a few. Even other Kitties come and visit but I don't like that too much, so there's lots going on all the time. It's a big job!
So without boring mew to tears all with endless gushing prose of how fan'cat'stic it is, this is a 'Show don't Tell Post!'
After all that exertion, because now mew can see that my job is very taxing, highly stressful and hugely demanding ~ I deserve a well earned snooze