"The old geezers at this house won't play with me."
"They just stare at me and sometimes hiss. Even my mom is useless.
They say I'm too NUTS."
"Do I look nuts to you?"
"Debbie, I'm bored."
"Oh pipe down, Audrey. Your' sister's coming tomorrow to stay 3 days so you'll have plenty to do. Meanwhile, I am putting away all breakables and plants within a mile radius. I'm also trying to find those blasted ear-plugs so I can get some sleep in the next 72 hours.
"I have to make plans"
and get rested up. And maybe have a manicure. Deb, sharpen these up, will ya"
"Oh, I'm so excited. The old saps will hate her, it'll be great."
"I'll wait here"
for Ruby.