Ancient pre-Inca tomb found in northern Peru

Archaeologists say they have discovered a 1,200-year-old tomb from the pre-Inca Sican era in northern Peru. 

Ancient discovery: archaeologists found hundreds of artefacts in the tomb [Credit: AFP/Bruning Museum]
Human remains and jewellery were found on July 4 along with the tomb, which was likely the final resting place of a member of the aristocracy of the Sican or Lambayeque elite, according to head researcher Carlos Wester La Torre. 

A gold earflap, a silver-plated crown, and some 120 silver and copper ornaments that served as emblems of power, along with 116 pieces of pottery and seashells, were found in the tomb. 

The tomb was located in a burial chamber about six metres deep in the Chotuna-Chornancap sanctuary near Chiclayo, at the same location where the remains of a Sican priestess were found in October. 

"This discovery is very important because we now know one of the elite classes of Lambayeque culture," said Mr Wester La Torre, speaking from Chiclayo, capital of the Lambayeque region. 

The Sican culture, also referred to as the Lambayeque culture, worshipped the Sican Lord. 

It emerged between the years 700 and 750, remaining in force until 1375 and reaching its high point between 900 and 1100. 

At that time, there were about seven to eight Sican lords representing heavenly powers on Earth, complete with masked face, upturned eyes and pointed ears. 

Source: AFP [July 14, 2012]

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