Why Is The Pentagon Not Planning For A Potential Half Trillion Budget Cut?

Is Not Planning For More Defense Cuts The Right Plan? -- Mike Mount, CNN

It is said that the "P" in Pentagon stands for planning. Military personnel and civilians alike plan for everything inside that building - wars, peace, exercises, humanitarian operations, even how to get the almost 25,000 employees out of the building for a fire drill.

So why is it, from the secretary of defense on down, there is nobody planning for a massive half-a-trillion dollars in potential cuts coming in about six months?

Well, according to the secretary other senior DoD leaders, publicly they are not planning because they have not been given direction to do so.

First of all, let's start with what this is all about.

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My Comment: I guess the Pentagon is praying that Congress and the White House will get their act together before these cuts are implemented. What's my prediction .... a part of me says that because they must come to an agreement .... an agreement will be reached. Another part tells me that we are entering a new era in American politics, and national defense may be a casualty of this trend.

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