U.S. General In South Korea To Be Replaced After Comments On North Korea

Photo: Army Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley is seen in an undated picture on the website for U.S. Special Operations Command Korea. (U.S. Special Operations Command Korea)

U.S. General In South Korea To Be Replaced After Spy Report -- New York Times

SEOUL, South Korea — The Pentagon announced the replacement of the commander of United States Special Operations in South Korea after a media report quoted him as saying that American and South Korean troops have been parachuting into North Korea on spy missions, a statement denied by Washington and the government in Seoul.

A spokesman for the American military in Seoul said Brig. Gen. Neil H. Tolley’s departure from the job he held since October 2010, had been planned for some time and had “nothing to do with” the media report.

The actual change of command is still months away, the American military said.

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More News On The Replacement Of Brig. Gen. Tolley After Comments On North Korea

U.S. General Replaced in S. Korea After Comments on North Korea -- Bloomberg
Brig. Gen. Neil Tolley leaves post after reportedly talking about parachute missions into North Korea -- CBS/AP
U.S. General who misspoke on North Korea is replaced -- CNN
US general replaced following espionage comments -- AP
Pentagon replaces general who made North Korea spy comment -- The Hill
U.S. General Neil Tolley Replaced After North Korea Espionage Comments -- Huffington Post/AP
Pentagon defends sudden change of general in Korea -- Korea Herald

My Comment: David Axe who originally broke this story has been commenting on it for the past week. His blog/website is here.

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